Fig. 4. Interactions between acidic regions and rpL5 are modular and independent of one another.
a gPD-PD(r) computed after neutralizing the charges in each of the acidic regions indicated in the legend. b gA0-rpL5(r) quantifies the pair correlations between acidic residues in A0 and basic residues in rpL5. Results are shown for the WT (black), when acidic residues are neutralized in A0 (blue), A1 (green), and A2 (magenta). Neutralizing charges within A0 weakens the interactions between A0 and rpL5. However, neutralizing the charges within A1 and A2 does not significantly affect the interactions between A0 and rpL5. c gA0-rpL5(r) quantifies the pair correlations between acidic residues in A1 and basic residues in rpL5. Results are shown for the WT (black), when acidic residues are neutralized in A0 (blue), A1 (green), and A2 (magenta). Neutralizing charges within A1 weakens the interactions between A1 and rpL5 (green curve). However, neutralizing the charges within A0 and A2 does not significantly affect the interactions between A1 and rpL5. d gA2-rpL5(r) quantifies the pair correlations between acidic residues in A2 and basic residues in rpL5. Results are shown for the WT (black), when acidic residues are neutralized in A0 (blue), A1 (green), and A2 (magenta). Neutralizing charges within A2 weakens the interactions between A2 and rpL5 (magenta curve). However, neutralizing the charges within A0 and A1 does not significantly affect the interactions between A2 and rpL5. In all cases, averages were calculated over five replicates ().