FIG. 3.
TBI versus control differences in ventricular clearance and the dependence of ventricular clearance on blood flow to the ventricle. (A) Plot showing the relationship between tracer/blood delivery to the ventricle (k1_blood) and ventricular clearance (k_clearance) in controls and TBI subjects. In controls, ventricular clearance is highly, linearly dependent upon tracer/blood delivery to the ventricle (R = 0.95, p < 0.001). In TBI subjects, the correlation between ventricular clearance and tracer/blood delivery to the ventricle is not significant (R = 0.69, p = 0.084). (B) Bar plot of estimated marginal means (controlling for k1_blood and the k1_blood × group interaction) of ventricular clearance in TBI subjects and controls. Ventricular clearance was numerically (though not significantly) greater in TBI subjects as compared to controls when accounting for these factors. SE, standard error; TBI, traumatic brain injury.