List of Acronyms: IND: Indicator/NUM: Numerator/DEM: Denominator/Eq: Team/SB: Oral Health
1 Other teams: Family Health Team - eSF, Community Health Agent Team - eACS, Family Health Support Center - NASF, Primary Healthcare Team - eAB, Street Clinic Team - eRC, Prison Basic Healthcare Team - eABP and Primary Healthcare Team - eAP.
2 Professionals: Community health agent, Endemic disease control agent, Health agent, Social worker, Dental surgeon, Social educator, Nurse, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Speech therapist, Physician, Veterinarian, Nutritionist, Other high school-level professionals, Other higher education professionals, Physical education professional, Psychologist, Sanitarian, Nursing technician and assistant, Oral health technician and assistant, Occupational therapist, Naturopath, Music therapist, Art therapist, Holistic therapist, Receptionist.
3 Meeting themes: Administrative/operational issues, Work processes, Diagnosis of the territory/monitoring of the territory, Planning/monitoring of team actions, Case discussion/singular therapeutic project, Permanent education, Others (Themes do not fit into any of these themes).
4 Shifts: Morning, Afternoon, Night.