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. 2024 Apr 23;12:RP92411. doi: 10.7554/eLife.92411

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-293 ATCC CRL-1573
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-HCN4 Dr. Martin Biel; Zong et al., 2012
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-HCN4 This paper ATCC CRL-1573; pcDNA3.1 mHCN4 HEK-293 stably expressing HCN4
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-HCN2 This paper ATCC CRL-1573; pcDNA3.1 mHCN2 HEK-293 stably expressing HCN2
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-HCN4 Δ1–62 This paper ATCC CRL-1573; pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo mHCN4 Δ1–62 HEK-293 stably expressing HCN4 Δ1–62
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-HCN4 Δ1–130 This paper ATCC CRL-1573; pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo mHCN4 Δ1–130 HEK-293 stably expressing HCN4 Δ1–130
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-HCN4 Δ1–185 This paper ATCC CRL-1573; pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo mHCN4 Δ1–185 HEK-293 stably expressing HCN4 Δ1–185
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-HCN4 Δ1–200 This paper ATCC CRL-1573; pTwist-CMV-Hygro mHCN4 Δ1–200 HEK-293 stably expressing HCN4 Δ1–200
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-HCN4 PT/AF This paper ATCC CRL-1573; pcDNA3.1 mHCN4 PT/AF HEK-293 stably expressing HCN4 P545A/T547F
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK-HCN2 AF/PT This paper ATCC CRL-1573; pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo mHCN2 AF/PT HEK-293 stably expressing HCN2 A467P/F469T
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA3.1 mHCN1 Dr. Eric Accili; Proenza et al., 2002
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA3.1 mHCN1 This paper; Liao et al., 2012 mHCN2 (sequence NP_032252.1) subcloned from pcDNA4
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA6 mHCN4 Δ1–25 Dr. Richard Aldrich; Liu and Aldrich, 2011
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo mHCN2 A467P/F469T This paper Synthesized by Twist Bioscience based on sequence NP_032252.1
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo mHCN4 This paper NP_001074661.1; codon optimized Synthesized by Twist Bioscience
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo mHCN4 Δ1–62 This paper Deletions made using site-directed mutagenesis in pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo HCN4
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo mHCN4 Δ1–130 This paper Deletions made using site-directed mutagenesis in pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo HCN4
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo mHCN4 Δ1–185 This paper Deletions made using site-directed mutagenesis in pTwist-CMV-WPRE-Neo HCN4
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV-Hygro mHCN4 Δ1–200 This paper Synthesized by Twist Bioscience based on sequence NP_001074661.1
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA3.1 mHCN4 P545T/A547F This paper Site-directed mutagenesis of pcDNA3.1 HCN4 by Applied Biological Materials
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA3.1 mHCN4 V604X This paper Site-directed mutagenesis of pcDNA3.1 HCN4 by Applied Biological Materials
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA3.1 mHCN4 S719X Proenza Lab; Liao et al., 2012
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA4 mHCN4-2 Proenza Lab; Liao et al., 2012 HCN4 residues 1–518 plus HCN2 residues 442–863
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV-BG-WPRE-Neo mHCN2-4N VVGPT This paper Synthesized by Twist Bioscience based on sequence NP_001074661.1 and NP_032252.1
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV-BG-WPRE-Neo mHCN2 VVGPT This paper Synthesized by Twist Bioscience based on sequence NP_032252.1
Recombinant DNA reagent pCMV6 Kan/Neo mLRMP Origene CAT#: MC201923 Untagged mouse LRMP construct
Recombinant DNA reagent pCMV6 Kan/Neo Myc-mLRMP Proenza Lab; Peters et al., 2020 N-terminal Myc-tagged LRMP construct
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV mLRMP 1–227 This paper Synthesized by Twist Bioscience based on GenBank AAH52909.1
Recombinant DNA reagent pTwist-CMV mLRMP 228–539 This paper Synthesized by Twist Bioscience based on GenBank AAH52909.1
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA3.1 mHCN4 125-260Cer This paper C-terminal Cerulean; see DNA constructs section of the methods
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA3.1 mHCN4 1-260Cer This paper C-terminal Cerulean; see DNA constructs section of the methods
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA3.1 mHCN4 521-719Cer This paper C-terminal Cerulean; see DNA constructs section of the methods
Recombinant DNA reagent pcDNA3.1 mHCN4 1-125Cer This paper C-terminal Cerulean; see DNA constructs section of the methods
Recombinant DNA reagent pcMVBG mLRMP 1-479Cit This paper C-terminal Citrine; see DNA constructs section of the methods
Recombinant DNA reagent pcMVBG mLRMP 1-230Cit This paper C-terminal Citrine; see DNA constructs section of the methods
Recombinant DNA reagent pcMVBG mLRMP 1-108Cit This paper C-terminal Citrine; see DNA constructs section of the methods
Recombinant DNA reagent pcMVBG mLRMP 110-230Cit This paper C-terminal Citrine; see DNA constructs section of the methods
Commercial assay or kit Q5 Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit New England Biolabs CAT#: E0554S
Commercial assay or kit In-Fusion HD Cloning Clontech Clontech:639647
Chemical compound, drug FuGENE 6 Promega CAT#: E2691
Chemical compound, drug Lipofectamine 2000 Thermo-Fisher Scientific CAT#: 11668027
Software, Algorithm pClamp and clampfit Molecular Devices RRID:SCR_011323
Software, Algorithm ImageJ NIH DOI: RRID:SCR_003070
Software, Algorithm Sigmaplot 12.0 Systat Software Inc RRID:SCR_003210
Software, Algorithm JMP14 SAS Institute RRID:SCR_014242