Risk factors for clinically significant bleeds. OR, odds ratio; BMI, body mass index; LV, predominantly systemic left ventricle; RV, predominantly systemic right ventricle; AP, atriopulmonary Fontan subtype; LT, lateral tunnel Fontan subtype; ECC, extracardiac conduit Fontan subtype; NYHA, New York Heart Association heart failure symptom classification; HAS-BLED ≥ 2, HAS-BLED Score for Major Bleeding greater than 2; Renal disease, history of chronic kidney disease; Liver disease, history of liver disease; Stroke Hx, history of cerebrovascular accident; Bleed Hx, history of major bleed; Labile INR, labile international normalization ratio with time in therapeutic range < 60%. NSAIDs/antiplat: concurrent use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs or antiplatelet medication; Alcohol: drinking the equivalent of 8 or more alcoholic beverages per week. Forest plot