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. 2024 Apr 24;385:e077664. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-077664

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of study subjects from 2010 to 2017

Characteristics Full unmatched cohort (n=3 128 571)* Propensity score matched cohort A (n=1 291 412) Standardised mean difference
Children with prenatal opioid exposure Children without prenatal exposure Children with prenatal opioid exposure Children without prenatal exposure
Total, no 216 012 2 912 559 215 958 1 075 454
Matching variables
Maternal characteristics:
 Maternal age at delivery year, mean (SD) 32.3 (4.2) 31.9 (4.2) 32.3 (4.2) 32.3 (4.1) 0.01
 Maternal age at delivery year, no (%) <0.01
  ≤19 545 (0.3) 7330 (0.3) 545 (0.3) 2558 (0.2)
  20-24 7992 (3.7) 128 697 (4.4) 7991 (3.7) 39 487 (3.7)
  25-29 41 094 (19.0) 633 948 (21.8) 41 090 (19.0) 204 847 (19.1)
  30-34 102 874 (47.6) 1 393 988 (47.9) 102 855 (47.6) 512 850 (47.7)
  ≥35 63 507 (29.4) 748 596 (25.7) 63 477 (29.4) 315 712 (29.4)
 Region of residence, no (%) <0.01
  Rural 90 163 (41.7) 1 262 028 (43.3) 90 146 (41.7) 449 082 (41.8)
  Urban 125 849 (58.3) 1 650 531 (56.7) 125 812 (58.3) 626 372 (58.2)
 Income level, no (%) <0.01
  1st quartile 50 684 (23.5) 649 207 (22.3) 50 664 (23.5) 251 255 (23.4)
  2nd quartile 55 788 (25.8) 750 159 (25.8) 55 775 (25.8) 277 762 (25.8)
  3rd quartile 54 441 (25.2) 733 069 (25.2) 54 428 (25.2) 271 342 (25.2)
  4th quartile 55 099 (25.5) 780 124 (26.8) 55 091 (25.5) 275 095 (25.6)
 Parity, no (%) <0.01
  1 181 261 (83.9) 2 217 878 (76.2) 181 212 (83.9) 902 974 (84.0)
  ≥2 34 751 (16.1) 694 681 (23.9) 34 746 (16.1) 172 480 (16.0)
 Maternal medical conditions, no (%) 0.01
  No mental illness 168 482 (78.0) 2 473 110 (84.9) 168 481 (78.0) 842 539 (78.3)
  Common 42 533 (19.7) 398 371 (13.7) 42 513 (19.7) 210 059 (19.5)
  Severe 4997 (2.3) 41 078 (1.4) 4964 (2.3) 22 856 (2.1)
 Severe maternal morbidity, no (%) <0.01
  0 198 017 (91.7) 2 731 862 (93.8) 198 009 (91.7) 988 081 (91.9)
  1 17 332 (8.0) 175 983 (6.0) 17 306 (8.0) 84 666 (7.9)
  ≥2 663 (0.3) 4714 (0.2) 643 (0.3) 2707 (0.3)
 No of hospital admissions in a year before pregnancy, no (%) <0.01
  0 171 976 (79.6) 2 468 433 (84.8) 171 966 (79.6) 859 082 (79.9)
  1 35 213 (16.3) 370 988 (12.7) 35 203 (16.3) 174 627 (16.2)
  ≥2 8823 (4.1) 73 138 (2.5) 8789 (4.1) 41 745 (3.9)
 No of outpatient contacts in a year before pregnancy, no (%) <0.01
  0 4619 (2.1) 188 625 (6.5) 4616 (2.1) 23 009 (2.1)
  1 4890 (2.3) 162 503 (5.6) 4890 (2.3) 24 369 (2.3)
  ≥2 206 503 (95.6) 2 561 431 (87.9) 206 452 (95.6) 1 028 076 (95.6)
 Alcohol or drug misuse, no (%) 558 (0.3) 3920 (0.1) 540 (0.3) 1980 (0.2) 0.01
 Mood disorders except those with psychotic symptoms, no (%) 9699 (4.5) 74 053 (2.5) 9658 (4.5) 45 415 (4.2) 0.01
 Anxiety and stress-related disorders, no (%) 16 195 (7.5) 129 873 (4.5) 16 150 (7.5) 77 673 (7.2) 0.01
 Sleep disorders, no (%) 8392 (3.9) 59 394 (2.0) 8347 (3.9) 38 962 (3.6) 0.01
 Epilepsy, no (%) 884 (0.4) 8696 (0.3) 870 (0.4) 3691 (0.3) 0.01
 Other neuropsychiatry disorders, no (%) 814 (0.4) 6713 (0.2) 805 (0.4) 3369 (0.3) 0.01
Unmatching variables
Delivery type, no (%): 0.16
 Vaginal delivery 115 193 (53.3) 1 693 716 (58.2) 115 174 (53.3) 659 523 (61.3)
 Caesarean section 100 819 (46.7) 1 218 843 (41.9) 100 784 (46.7) 415 931 (38.7)
Use of NSAIDs during pregnancy, no (%) 103 912 (48.1) 482 329 (16.6) 103 877 (48.1) 204 829 (19.1) 0.65
Use of acetaminophen during pregnancy, no (%) 148 024 (68.5) 789 528 (27.1) 147 981 (68.5) 328 716 (30.6) 0.82
Infant characteristics:
 Infant sex, no (%) <0.01
  Male 110 511 (51.2) 1 495 374 (51.3) 110 487 (51.2) 551 281 (51.3)
  Female 105 501 (48.8) 1 417 185 (48.7) 105 471 (48.8) 524 173 (48.7)
 Birth season, no (%) 0.07
  Spring 53 228 (24.6) 756 304 (26.0) 53 214 (24.6) 279 000 (25.9)
  Summer 58 458 (27.1) 708 808 (24.3) 58 434 (27.1) 261 523 (24.3)
  Autumn 51 697 (23.9) 718 496 (24.7) 51 687 (23.9) 268 571 (25.0)
  Winter 52 629 (24.4) 728 951 (25.0) 52 623 (24.4) 266 360 (24.8)
 Year of delivery, no (%) 0.11
  2010 to 2012 69 885 (32.4) 1 119 845 (38.5) 69 874 (32.4) 400 367 (37.2)
  2013 to 2015 76 973 (35.6) 997 353 (34.2) 76 952 (35.6) 378 610 (35.2)
  2016 to 2017 69 154 (32.0) 795 361 (27.3) 69 132 (32.0) 296 477 (27.6)
 At-risk newborn, no (%) 0.07

  Preterm birth 10 817 (5.0) 103 949 (3.6) 203 182 (94.1) 1 028 054 (95.6)
  Low birth weight 7860 (3.6) 83 354 (2.9) 12 776 (5.9) 47 400 (4.4)

NSAIDs=non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; SD=standard deviation.


Full unmatched cohort involves infants born between 2010 and 2017 (cohort 1 in fig 1 and table S8).

Propensity score matched cohort A, derived from the full unmatched cohort, involves a 1:5 matching ratio and pairs the exposed and unexposed groups in a 1:5 ratio using propensity score (cohort 2 in fig 1 and table S8).

Standardised mean difference of <0.1 corresponds to no major imbalance.