Figure 2. Visual Acuity and Central Subfield Thickness Status at 24 and 104 Weeks.
(A – D) Plus symbols (“+”) indicate strong response and minus symbols (“-”) indicate weak response. Strong visual acuity (VA) response was defined as at least a 5-, 10-, or 15-letter gain when baseline VA was 20/25 to 20/32, 20/40 to 20/63, and 20/80 to 20/320, respectively. (A, B) Strong central subfield thickness (CST) response was defined as a reduction of at least 50-, 100-, or 200-μm when baseline CST was <75 μm, 75 μm to <175 μm, and ≥175 μm above the CI-DME threshold at baseline. Thresholds for CI-DME are defined as follows: Heidelberg Spectralis, at least 305 μm for women and at least 320 μm for men; Zeiss Cirrus, at least 290 μm for women and at least 305 μm for men; Zeiss Stratus at least 250 μm for women and men. Strong response defined according to the thresholds and equations in eTable 2 and eTable 3. (C, D)