Cow-calf operation is 100% commercial |
63% (107/171) |
Cow-calf records include: |
Production activities: Backgrounding |
61% (105/171) |
98% (167/171) |
Production activities: Stockers |
30% (51/171) |
93% (159/171) |
Production activities: Feedlot |
14% (24/171) |
92% (157/171) |
Other livestock, Dairy |
4% (7/171) |
50% (85/171) |
% Farm income from cow-calf operation |
55% (94/171) |
6% (11/171) |
88% (150/171) |
21% (36/171) |
76% (130/171) |
17% (29/171) |
59% (101/171) |
54% (92/171) |
Production records used for: |
% Family income from cow-calf operation |
92% (157/171) |
25% (42/171) |
49% (83/171) |
22% (37/171) |
88% (151/171) |
23% (39/171) |
47% (81/171) |
27% (46/171) |
19% (33/171) |
Any non-family employees |
32% (54/171) |
Production records kept on: |
Management decisions person <40 yrs |
58% (100/171) |
93% (159/171) |
Management decisions person <30 yrs |
25% (43/171) |
49% (84/171) |
Education includes post-secondary |
81% (138/171) |
30% (52/171) |
Calving groups separated by >1 mo |
27% (46/171) |
16% (28/171) |
Separate calving groups, Age |
5% (9/171) |
Technologies / practices used in 2018: |
Separate calving groups, Breed |
2% (4/171) |
36% (62/171) |
Separate calving groups, Pure/Commercial |
9% (15/171) |
57% (97/171) |
Primary area(s) used for calving: |
74% (126/171) |
22% (37/171) |
53% (91/171) |
27% (47/171) |
73% (125/171) |
40% (69/171) |
22% (38/171) |
27% (46/171) |
47% (80/171) |
Breeding soundness evaluation of all bulls |
67% (115/171) |
32% (55/171) |
Breeding soundness evaluation of some bulls |
7% (12/171) |
42% (72/171) |
Test bulls for trichomoniasis |
7% (12/166) |
4% (7/171) |
Test bulls for vibriosis |
0% (0/166) |
15% (26/171) |
Cow/Heifers to communal grazing – all |
4% (6/171) |
57% (98/171) |
Cow/Heifers to communal grazing – some |
16% (27/171) |
23% (40/171) |
Bulls sent to communal grazing |
15% (26/170) |
14% (24/171) |
Cow/Heifers bred at communal grazing |
17% (28/168) |
47% (80/171) |