FIG. 3.
Transactivation of the viral and host genes by EBNA2 or RAMIC. COS7 cells were transfected with a luciferase reporter plasmid alone (-) or together with various expression vectors [pEF-BOSneo-RAM23, pEF-BOSneoRBP(R218H), pSG5-EBNA2, pEF-BOSneo-RAMIC] as indicated. A total of 1.0 μg of pSG5-EBNA2 (A and C) or pEF-BOSneo-RAMIC (B and D) per 3.5-cm-diameter dish was introduced into COS7 cells together with a reporter plasmid ERE-TP1-luc (pGa981-6) (A and B) or HES1-luc (C and D) and increasing amounts (1 or 2 μg/dish) of pEF-BOSneo-RAM23 or pEF-BOSneoRBP(R218H) DNA as indicated by bottoms of arrowheads. The luciferase reporter plasmid/pSG5-EBNA2/pEF-BOSneo-RAMIC ratio was 1/2/2 for all cotransfection experiments. Each transfection assay was carried out in comparison with a negative control reporter, ptk-luc177 (28) against pGa981-6 or pGV-B vector (TOYO-INKI Inc.) against HES1-luc. Error bars indicate standard deviations.