Fig. 2. Overview of the stable water isotope and major ion compositions of springs and groundwater in Fuji catchment.
a, Stable water isotope composition of investigated sites alongside all available measurements of springs, groundwater wells, mineral water and brewery wells and thermal deep wells; stable water isotope-derived recharge elevations after Yasuhara et al.36 are indicated. Local meteoric water line (LMWL)36: δ2H = 8 × δ18O + 15.1‰. Global meteoric water line (GMWL)51: δ2H = 7.93 × δ18O + 8.99‰. VSMOW, Vienna standard mean ocean water. b, Piper plot of the major ion composition of all available data on springs, groundwater wells, mineral water and brewery wells, and thermal deep wells. The fields of hydrochemical water types are separated by dashed lines and marked by numbered circles (see legend). Data points in a and b represent site-averaged values. All individual data points and corresponding references are provided in tabular form in Supplementary Data 1.