Fig. 4. Triple tracer correlations between V, He and eDNA in Fuji catchment.
a–b, Triple tracer correlations between V, He and archaeal eDNA contributed by YLA114 + WCHD3-30 (a) and by YLA114 only (b). c, Triple tracer correlation between V, He and the alpha diversity of Archaea. d, Triple tracer correlation between V, Na+ and the alpha diversity of Archaea (d). He concentrations represent measurements taken on site with the new portable GE-MIMS instrument. STP, standard temperature and pressure (T = 0 °C, P = 1 atm). H′A is Shannon’s diversity index160,168 evaluated for Archaea. Data for Fujinishiki in d represent data from Fujinishiki brewery well (site id: F1), except for the Na+ concentration, which represents the average measured Na+ concentration in Fujinishiki spring (site id: 7) located next to the Fujinishiki brewery well.