Recrystallization of ice in the presence of apoplastic proteins from nonacclimated (C and D) and cold-acclimated (E and F) winter rye. Apoplastic extracts dialyzed against 5 mm EDTA were adjusted to a final concentration of 0.14 mg protein mL−1 and Suc was added to a concentration of 26% (w/w). The samples were frozen on a cold stage as follows: cooled at 30°C min−1 to −50°C, warmed at 10°C min−1 to −10°C, held 10 min, warmed at 1°C min−1 to −7°C, cooled at 1°C min−1 to −8°C, warmed to −7°C, and held isothermally. Samples were photographed at 3 min (A, C, and E) and 53 min (B, D, and F). A solution of 26% Suc was used as a control (A and B). Magnification bar = 100 μm.