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[Preprint]. 2024 Apr 19:2024.04.16.589814. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.04.16.589814

Figure 5: Comparison of endogenous human genome AluS sequences and Alu MPJA haplotypes.

Figure 5:

a, 852 genomic AluS from the human genome were compared to the haplotypes found in the mutagenized libraries of each element. We detected haplotypes that are at least seven mismatches away from the genomic AluS in AluSx and Alu6B mutagenized libraries and at least eleven mismatches away for Alu14B haplotypes. b, Bar chart showing the mismatch distance of high (top panel) or low (bottom panel) jumpers in the MPJA from genomic AluS sequences. c, Dot plot showing fifteen identified AluS elements from the human genome (Supplementary Table 8) that require minimum number of nucleotide changes to match with the high jumper haplotypes.