The rate constant for steady-state cellular water efflux is kio; that for steady-state cellular water influx is koi. The Na+,K+-ATPase enzyme is indicated as NKA, while AQP, KCC4, and SGLT are defined in Figure 1. The actions of NKA substrates intracellular Na+ and ATP (Nai+ and ATPi) and extracellular K+ (Ko+) are indicated in red, as are the NKA inhibitor extracellular ouabain (ouabaino) and an extracellular AQP inhibitor. Generic transporters I, II, III, and IV are exemplified in Figure 1: the actions of AQP, KCC4, and SGLT are shown here as specific examples. The quantity x is the AWC water stoichiometry integrated over the entire cell. Thus, for example, cMRH2O(influx) = cMRH2O(efflux) = xcMRNKA = x(cMRNa+(influx))/3 = x(cMRK+(efflux))/2, where cMR represents a cellular metabolic rate. First and second approximations of this cartoon have appeared in (15) and (2), respectively.