〈A〉 tissue or voxel mean cell surface area |
AQP aquaporin |
AQP4 aquaporin 4 |
AQP4KO aquaporin 4 knock-out |
ATP adenosine triphosphate |
ATPi intracellular ATP |
AWC active trans-membrane water cycling |
ae ρ〈A〉 |
aH2O water thermodynamic activity |
CEST chemical exchange saturation transfer |
Δ G Gibbs free energy change |
ΔG0 Standard AG |
ΔGyyy ΔG for substrate, enzyme, reaction; YYY |
ΔGYYY(effl) ΔG for YYY efflux |
ΔGiYY(infl) ΔG for YYY influx |
ΔHYYY(infl) enthalpy change for YYY influx |
ΔTToi trans-cytolemmal osmotic gradient (in - out) |
ΔSYYY(infl) entropy change for YYY influx |
ΔV†† activation volume |
d density (mass/volume) |
EAAT1 excitatory amino acid transporter 1 |
Em,oi trans-membrane electrical potential (in - out) |
effl an efflux process |
FDG 2-deoxy-2-18Fluoro-D-glucose |
fH2O water activity coefficient on the mole fraction scale (X) |
fW tissue water volume fraction |
fW,i intracellular fW |
fW,o extracellular fW |
ϕ osmotic coefficient |
G Gibbs free energy |
GABA γ-amino butyric acid |
GAT 1 GABA transporter 1 |
GLUT1 glucose transporter 1 |
glc glucose |
gln glutamine |
glu glutamate− |
γH2O water activity coefficient on the molality scale (m) |
1H2O water proton MR signal |
H2Oi intracellular water molecule |
H2Oo extracellular water molecule |
H3Oi+ intracellular hydronium ion |
H3Oo+ extracellular hydronium ion |
iGlutR an ionotropic glutamate’receptor |
infl an influx process |
Ki+ intracellular K+ |
Ko+ extracellular K+ |
KCC4 potassium, chloride transporter 4 |
k kinetic rate constant |
kio cellular water efflux k (1/τi) |
kio(a) active kio contribution |
kio(p) passive kio contribution |
koi(p) passive cellular water influx k contribution |
M molarity concentration scale |
MADI metabolic activity diffusion imaging |
MCT1 mono-carboxylate transporter |
MD molecular dynamics |
MRI magnetic resonance imaging |
MRyyy YYY metabolic rate |
MRglu(consump) MR of glucose consumption |
MRglu(infl) MR of glucose influx |
MRGlu-gln(cycle) MR of glutamate’-glutamine cycling |
MRO2 MR of O2 consumption |
cMRYYY cellular metabolic rate for YYY process = tMRYYY/ρ |
tMRYYY tissue metabolic rate for YYY process = /ρcMRYYY |
MWH2O molecular mass (“weight”) of water |
m molality concentration scale |
mOsM milli-osmolarity concentration scale |
mOsm milli-osmolality concentration scale |
mOsX milli-osmole fraction concentration scale |
μYYY chemical potential of YYY; (∂G/∂nYYY)T,p,n(≠ nYYY) |
Nai+ intracellular Na+ |
Nao+ extracellular Na+ |
NKA Na+,K+-ATPase (sodium pump) |
NKCC1 sodium, potassium, chloride transporter 1 |
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance |
n number of moles |
OsM osmolarity concentration scale |
Osm osmolality concentration scale |
OsmYYY YYY Osm |
OsX osmole fraction concentration scale |
OsXYYYi intracellular YYY OsX |
OsXYYY,o extracellular YYY OsX |
P hydraulic (mechanical) pressure |
P0 standard state P |
Pd diffusional permeability coefficient (exchange) |
Pd(p) passive Pd |
Pf flux (flow) permeability coefficient |
Pi intracellular P |
Po extracellular P |
PC potassium channel |
PET positron emission tomography |
p tissue water mole fraction (“population”) |
pi intracellular p |
po extracellular p |
per permeant particle |
R ideal gas constant |
ρ cell (number) density |
SYYY stoichiometric coefficient of YYY |
SGLT sodium/glucose co-transporter |
SS trans-cytolemmal NMR shutter-speed |
TGN020 specific AQP4 inhibitor |
τi mean H2Oi molecule lifetime (1/kio) |
〈V〉 tissue or voxel mean cell volume |
Vm volume molality concentration scale |
Vmi intracellular Vm |
Vmo extracellular Vm |
v tissue volume fraction |
ve extracellular v (ECV) (= 1 - vi) |
vi intracellular v [pV] |
X mole fraction concentration scale |
XYYY,i intracellular YYY X |
XYYY,o extracellular YYY X |
x water cycling stoichiometry [H2O/ATP] |
x′ x for individual water co-transporter |
[YYY] YYY concentration |
[YYYc] compartmental YYY concentration |
[YYYi] intracellular YYY concentration |
[YYYo] extracellular YYY concentration |
[YYYt] tissue YYY concentration = vi[YYYi] = ve[YYYo] |
yL yocto liter (= 10−24 L = 1 (nm)3)) |
yH2O water activity coefficient on the molarity scale (M) |
ZYYY signed electrical charge of YYY |