(A) Representative bar graphs showing percent of total cellular ROS and mitochondrial ROS induced with respect to the DMSO treated control cells as 100 (from triplicates ± SD) in OCI-AML3 cells were treated with or without SBI-0206965 for 24 or 48 hours using ROS-ID and MitoSOX assays respectively. (B) Representative bar graphs showing the percent ROS induced with respect to the DMSO treated control cells as 100 (from triplicates ± SD) in OCI-AML3 cells were treated with or without SBI-0206965, in the presence or absence of mitochondria specific antioxidant MitoQ10 (100 nM), for 24 or 48 hours. (C) Representative bar graph (mean percentage from triplicates ± SD) (left), with representative histograms (right) of TMRE assay to quantify loss of membrane potential in OCI-AML3 cells were treated with SBI-0206965 for 24 hours. (D) Representative line graph (mean value from triplicates ± SD) from the Seahorse Mito Stress test showing Oxygen Consumption Rate (OCR) in different phases of the reaction, in OCI-AML3 cells treated with SBI-0206965 for 24 hours (top). Representative bar graphs (from triplicates ± SD) to quantify basal respiration and ATP production (bottom). (E) Representative bar graphs (percent mean fluorescence intensity from triplicates ± SD) to quantify mitochondrial mass in OCI-AML3 cells treated with SBI-0206965 for 24 and 48 hours and stained with MitoTracker Green (MTG) dye and analyzed by flow cytometry. (F) Representative images from Super-Resolution Microscopy of OCI-AML3 with GFP-labeled mitochondria treated with SBI-0206965 for 24 hours. Images were acquired using the DeltaVision OMX Blaze V4 at 100X magnification (scale bar 5 um). (G) Box plot representing the total volume of mitochondria per cell, quantified by Imaris software. (H) Representative images from Transmission Electron Microscopy acquired at 10000X (upper panel: scale bar 2 um) and 50000X (lower panel: scale bar 500 nm) magnifications from OCI-AML3 cells treated with DMSO or SBI-0206965 for 24 hours, and control (WT) or ULK1-KO cells. The statistical significance of the experiments was calculated by standard Student’s t-test and p-values are indicated in respective graphs.