Table 1.
Carbon removal approaches
Afforestation and reforestation |
Combat deforestation (Kenya, Rural): I think we need to campaign for people that are cutting down trees and we need to campaign for people regrowing more trees. I think our government should look at more opportunities for creating things like jobs… This is because people tend to cut down trees in search of better living, so they can sell it to the market. Spatial trade-offs with food crops (Nigeria, Rural): … if we need so much space – because the amount of CO2 we are talking about is not a small one – so that means we need land to plant trees to absorb the CO2, just like where we talk about the land to plant bioenergy crops… with time we will run out of food. There would be food shortages because we would need land for the vegetation. |
Soil carbon sequestration |
Enhance agricultural capacity (Dominican Republic, Rural): Well, that has an impact on the economy because there is more food production and I also believe that a country with food production has less scarcity, so it helps in every sense of the word. |
Direct air capture and carbon storage |
Benefit for first mover industry and innovation (Switzerland, Urban): Finally, the manufacturers of the filter systems… they can make a big business out of it… with the storage facilities, would certainly also be interesting for business and industry, because ultimately it will pay off again if these products are promising and if they can be produced and sold. Siting, leakage, and pollution exports (Austria, Rural): And of course, the location of the storage is problematic… You’re not doing something directly for your country, so no one wants to take on the drawbacks because everyone will benefit from the advantages… We’re talking about huge installations on these big areas, so it has to benefit the people who live there – you can’t just build it. |
Enhanced weathering |
As an extension of mining (South Africa, Rural): Most probably we should be cleaning up those quarry stuff.., I think we should recycle available wastes or rocks and play with that. But as for going to blow up completely new rocks? I’m not for that. As soil enhancement (Nigeria, Urban): Actually in local areas we don’t believe in chemical manure, we believe in natural manure… I should know how it works first. I think samples should be carried out, they should identify the type of rock that would be needed. |
Bioenergy carbon capture and storage |
Less carbon intensive fuel, Energy security (Australia, Rural): I think transport, like the bioenergy, if that was a fuel source for cars and industry and an ultimate one, I think that it would make us more secure as well as self-sufficient. Spatial trade-offs with food crops (India, Urban): Because the farmers would be thinking that growing these kinds of plants is beneficial, we shift from food crops to CO2 plants, so that the food industry will also be affected in the future. So, we would face some food scarcity also. |