Table 3.
Cross-cutting governance dimensions
Assessment |
Triple helix (Indonesia, Urban): Maybe these scientists, the people from educational institutions, they’d conduct research to know whether it could go on/run or not… Secondly, it’s the government. Maybe they’re more about the policy… Also, the socialization (information and consultation) of those things to the people. |
Publics |
Local consultations (Germany, Rural): I always think it is a matter of whether you include the entire population or the affected population. We talked before about the agriculturalists, who of course have to be involved because it affects them directly. With direct air capture… if this big plant is placed in my neighbourhood, I would like to be involved in the decision making. I do think that the affected populations should be included, just to make it functional long-term. Not passing the burden to citizens (Sweden, Rural): … governments can take responsibility on such; it is not maybe every single individual that has to take responsibility. To look at their carbon dioxide budget… there are big institutions who do that. Countries that collect it and process it for every one of us… That it can be controlled in larger scale. |
Industry and Innovation |
Control industry (Brazil, Urban): We know that companies, as a reflection of people, don’t do many things voluntarily. I believe a law should pass to oblige companies to care more about the environment and storage and capture carbon dioxide, even using financial retributions (sic). I think the first step is passing a law. We don’t see companies voluntarily solving this problem, only a few do. Facilitate industry, corporate social responsibility (India, Urban): (On DACCS) I would like … industry forums to be done, lot of intra activity among participants, maybe a group newly created where in you have these heads of various ministries and various public sector undertakings and various bodies such as the Confederation of Indian Industry; Tata, Mitra and all the big names in the industries… And of course, you will require the government also to be a part. |
Government |
Systemic coordination (Poland, Urban): In some regions of the world restoring and cultivating vegetation would probably work better. In others – storing carbon… DACCS and BECCS could not be used everywhere, because it would have to be in former industrial regions, where there are mines, or some oil wells that are out of commission… It should be a global rather than local effort, adapting to the local possibilities of those places where these projects could be implemented. Trust for, and need to support local governance (Italy, Urban): I believe that regions as well should have a role. They can even implement supporting policies as it happens. For example in Trentino Alto Adige, people receive incentives to change into green activities. They can distribute incentives taken from the European Community, through channels such as the EU. In order to do things we need money. Besides all the nice words, we know that municipalities do not have money. We should create policies that support such activities. |