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. 2024 Feb 16;9(6):101473. doi: 10.1016/j.adro.2024.101473

Table 4.

Program director survey responses

All PD (n = 52) N (%) Median (IQR)*
Recruitment offerings prior and during COVID-2019 pandemic
Before the COVID-19 pandemic (2019-2020 residency match cycle or earlier), did your program offer optional virtual recruiting opportunities for radiation oncology residency of any kind (eg, virtual meet and greet or program overviews?) N = 48
 Yes 3 (6%)
 No 45 (94%)
Before the COVID-19 pandemic (2019-2020 residency match cycle or earlier), did your program offer any optional radiation oncology-specific second looks of any kind? N = 48
Yes: in-person with formalized schedule of events 1 (2%)
Yes: in-person with informal schedule/standing offer to visit department 8 (17%)
Yes: virtual only 1 (2%)
No 38 (79%)
After the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021 residency match cycle or later), did your program offer any optional virtual recruiting opportunities for radiation oncology residency of any kind (eg, virtual meet and greet or program overviews?) N = 48
 Yes 41 (85%)
 No 7 (15%)
Current and future second look offerings
During the 2022-2023 residency match cycle, did your program offer an optional radiation oncology-specific second look of any kind? N = 48
 Yes 19 (40%)
 No 29 (60%)
Why did your program not offer an optional second look? N = 29
 Not interested/did not see the added value. 6 (21%)
 Was unaware this was an option, other programs were offering them. 6 (21%)
 Institutional policy (hospital, GME) did not allow. 11 (38%)
 Ethical concerns 13 (45%)
 Financial limitations 3 (10%)
 Concerns about NRMP rules/fines 3 (10%)
 Other (have an institutional SLE for underrepresented minority students) 1 (3%)
I feel that not offering a second look was detrimental in our recruitment effort: N = 29 3 (2, 3)
 Strongly agree 3 (10%)
 Agree 8 (28%)
 Neutral 12 (41%)
 Disagree 4 (14%)
 Strongly disagree 2 (7%)
I plan on using the new NRMP program ROL voluntary locking option to offer a second look for this upcoming recruitment season: N = 48
Yes 11 (23%)
No 12 (25%)
Unsure 25 (52%)
Second-look invitations
Who was invited to your second look? N = 20
 All applicants offered an interview, regardless of interview status. 4 (20%)
 All applicants offered and completed the interview. 14 (70%)
 Select applicant population (underrepresented minorities). 2 (10%)
Did messaging regarding the second look offering discuss it being optional vs mandatory? N = 19
 Yes 19 (100%)
 No 0 (0%)
Did messaging regarding the second look offering discuss it not affecting the ROL? N = 19
 Yes 18 (95%)
 No 1 (5%)
The second look offering was truly optional and did not affect our program's ROL in any way? N = 19 1 (1, 1)
 Strongly agree 19 (100%)
Characteristics of second look
What format was used for the second look? N = 19
 In-person with formalized schedule of events 9 (47%)
 In-person with informal schedule/standing offer to visit the department 8 (42%)
 Hybrid with in person and virtual 1 (5%)
 Virtual only 1 (5%)
When was/were the second look(s) scheduled? N = 19
 December 1 (5%)
 January 1 (5%)
 Early February (1-14): before submitting ROL 6 (32%)
 Early February (1-14): after submitting ROL 7 (37%)
 Late February (15-28): before submitting ROL 5 (26%)
 Late February (15-28): after submitting ROL 8 (42%)
 Prefer not to answer 2 (11%)
Which items were gifted to applicants in person or via postage for the second look? Please do not include any gifts related to the interview. N = 19
 Food: includes meals, snacks, and beverages 8 (42%)
 Printed literature on the program/department 6 (32%)
 Logoed items: mugs/cups, pens, lanyard, bags 4 (21%)
 Other (one night hotel) 1 (5%)
 None 10 (53%)
In-person second look offerings
If your program offered a second look with an in-person component, what aspects were financially covered by your institution/department? N = 18
 Travel (airfare, gas reimbursement, etc) 2 (11%)
 Meals 8 (44%)
 Accommodation/lodging (hotel, housing with a resident) 4 (22%)
 Prefer not to answer 9 (50%)
If your program offered an in person second look, what activities were offered? N = 18
 Pre “second look” dinner with residents ± faculty 4 (22%)
 Informative lecture about the department 6 (33%)
 Physical tour of the facility 13 (72%)
 Physical tour of the city 4 (22%)
 “Meet and greet”/informal interaction time with residents 14 (78%)
 “Meet and greet”/informal interaction time with program leadership 9 (50%)
 “Meet and greet”/informal interaction time with faculty 7 (39%)
 Prefer not to answer 1 (6%)

Abbreviations: GME = Graduate Medical Education; N/A = not applicable; NRMP = National Residency Matching Program; ROL = rank order list; SLE = second look events.

Median and IQR calculated as follows: 1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Disagree, 5 = Strongly Disagree.

Participants were allowed to select all that applied for these questions.

Given the absence of a “nothing” option, 5 PDs clarified that no costs were covered.