FIG. 3.
E1B 55-kDa mutant virus-infected p53 wild-type (p53-wt) and p53 mutant cells synthesize viral DNA to the same level as the wild-type virus-infected cells. A549, U2OS, and C33A cell lines were mock infected or infected with the wild-type virus dl309 or the E1B 55-kDa mutant virus dl338 or dl1520 at an MOI sufficient to infect >80% of the cells (10 to 30 PFU/cell). Total DNA was isolated from equal numbers of Ad-infected cells at 20 h postinfection. Total DNA in the amount indicated below each lane was transferred to a nylon membrane, denatured, and hybridized with radioactive Ad-specific DNA probes generated by random-primed synthesis. Hybridized probe was quantified with a PhosphorImager, and mock-infected background was subtracted. Identical amounts of viral DNA were measured in each cell line infected with the E1B 55-kDa mutant viruses and the wild-type virus.