Fig. A7.
CFA of retained items in the modified Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer scale withcovaried error terms Note: Parameter estimates are standardized. Model fit indices were χ2(3) = 5.31, p = .15; RMSEA = .050 (CI <.001, .119); CFI = .996; SRMR = .014. Covariations were added stepwise, with a new model assessed after each modification. Modification indices first supported a 70.21 Δχ2 improvement of fit for the covariation of items five and six (χ2(4) = 34.58, p < .001; RMSEA = .158 (CI .112, .208); CFI = .950; SRMR = .046). Modification indices next supported a 24.68 Δχ2 improvement of fit for the covariation of items two and three, resulting in the above model that was used in subsequent analyses.