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. 2024 Mar 26;14(4):274. doi: 10.3390/bs14040274

Table 7.

Heterogeneous results of executive environmental awareness.

High Executive Environmental Awareness Low Executive Environmental Awareness
new_col disclose2 new_col disclose2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
ESG 0.00101 *** 0.0128 *** 0.000264 0.00124
(0.000203) (0.000985) (0.000261) (0.00117)
size 0.0171 *** 0.0737 *** 0.00202 0.0185
(0.00102) (0.00496) (0.00324) (0.0146)
lev −0.00870 −0.00146 0.0165 0.0320
(0.00681) (0.0330) (0.0122) (0.0550)
roa −0.0241 −0.0799 0.0340 0.00433
(0.0183) (0.0889) (0.0209) (0.0940)
cash 0.0386 ** 0.247 *** −0.00724 0.0266
(0.0168) (0.0814) (0.0181) (0.0817)
growth 0.00156 −0.0417 *** −0.00308 −0.0246 **
(0.00273) (0.0132) (0.00265) (0.0119)
board −0.00496 0.0153 −0.00223 0.0345
(0.00650) (0.0315) (0.0122) (0.0552)
indep 0.000360 −0.00198 * −0.000725 ** 0.00206
(0.000226) (0.00109) (0.000362) (0.00163)
dual 0.00415 * −0.00322 0.000822 0.00473
(0.00213) (0.0103) (0.00330) (0.0149)
top1 −3.97 × 10−5 −0.000289 7.56 × 10−5 −0.00146
(6.98 × 10−5) (0.000339) (0.000203) (0.000914)
age 0.00985 *** 0.0263 −0.0223 0.392 ***
(0.00360) (0.0174) (0.0291) (0.131)
Constant −0.470 *** −2.168 *** 0.0301 −1.239 **
(0.0289) (0.140) (0.108) (0.487)
Time effects Control Control Control Control
Industry effects Control Control Control Control
N 10,528 10,528 10,067 10,067

Note: *, **, *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively. Standard errors are reported in parentheses, and the same convention applies throughout. The same below.