Figure 5.
The sensing performance of the Ag/CNT/PDMS/80P sensor. (a) The commercial Ag/AgCl dry electrode–, Ag/AgCl wet gel electrode– and Ag/CNT/PDMS/80P sensor–skin interface impedances measured on the forearm. The photo shows the measurement setup; scale bar is 1 cm. (b) The illustration of recording EEG signals; inset shows the photo of an Ag/CNT/PDMS/80P sensor. The scale bar is 1 cm. The comparison of EEG signals detected when the eyes were (c) open and (d) closed. (e) The configuration of the sensors for EOG measurements using commercial Ag/AgCl dry electrode and the Ag/CNT/PDMS/80P sensor. The scale bar is 1 cm. EOG signals recorded during eye movements of (f) looking left and right, (g) looking up and down, and (h) counterclockwise.