Importance of the predictors in the species distribution models. Note: B1, annual mean temperature; B2, mean diurnal range; B3, isothermality; B4, temperature seasonality; B5, max. temperature of warmest month; B6, min. temperature of coldest month; B7, temperature annual range; B8, mean temperature of wettest quarter; B9, mean temperature of driest quarter; B10, mean temperature of warmest quarter; B11, mean temperature of coldest quarter; B12, annual precipitation; B13, precipitation of wettest month; B14, precipitation of driest month; B15, precipitation seasonality; B16, precipitation of wettest quarter; B17, precipitation of driest quarter; B18, precipitation of warmest quarter; B19, precipitation of coldest quarter; CR, cropland; PA, managed pasture; PN, non-forested primary land; PO, population density; PR, forested primary land; RA, rangeland; SF, forested secondary land; SN, non-forested secondary land; UR: urban land; AS, aspect; EL, elevation; SL, slope. Climatic, human disturbance, and topographical predictors were in purple, green, and blue, respectively. The importance values of the predictors were min–max-standardized for each species, separately.