Figure 2.
Arginine deiminase. (A) Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of ADI from M. arginini, L. lactis subsp. lactis ATCC 7962, L. brevis KU15176, and E. faecium GR7. The binding and catalytic sites are boxed in black and red, respectively. MSA was generated using the Clustal Omega webserver. Meanwhile, (B) the predicted structures of the ADIs are also shown which are generated using the Phyre2 webserver. (C) SDS-PAGE of purified recombinant ADI_br confirmed its molecular weight at about 46kDa. Lane 1: Molecular weight marker (DokDo-MarkTM, Daejeon, Republic of Korea), FT: Flow-through, W1-W3: washings, E1-E5: eluted ADI_br.