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. 2023 Dec 12;20(4):353–370. doi: 10.1007/s12519-023-00764-0

Table 1.

Humoral immunogenicity outcomes against wild type SARS-CoV-2 post-dose 2 and post-dose 3 of CoronaVac in the evaluable analysis population

Variables Intramuscular Intradermal
2 doses 3 doses 2 doses 3 doses
 n 116 56 47 36
 GM OD450 value (95% CI) 0.536 (0.493–0.582) 0.930 (0.830–1.040) 0.634 (0.562–0.716) 1.050 (0.983–1.120)
 %positive (≥ LOD at 0.3) 94.0 98.2 95.7, P > 0.9999 100.0, P > 0.9999
 n 119 60 54 42
 GM OD450 value (95% CI) 1.200 (1.100–1.310) 1.770 (1.680–1.870) 2.160 (2.040–2.290) 2.450 (2.330–2.570)
 %positive (≥ LOD at 0.5) 96.6 100.0 100.0, P = 0.311 100.0, P > 0.9999
S-RBD ACE2-blocking antibody on sVNT
 n 119 60 54 42
 GM% inhibition (95% CI) 71.2 (66.7–76.0) 84.9 (81.3–88.6) 78.4 (74.6–82.5) 91.3 (88.3–94.4)
 %positive (≥ LOQ at 30%) 96.6 100.0 100.0, P = 0.311 100.0, P > 0.9999
Neutralising antibody on PRNT
 n 119 60 54 42
 GM PRNT90 (95% CI) 9.83 (8.67–11.10) 17.80 (13.70–23.30) 10.70 (8.09–14.10) 38.70 (27.60–54.20)
 %positive (≥ LOD at 10) 65.6 78.3 61.1, P = 0.610 97.6, P = 0.007
 GM PRNT50 (95% CI) 26.80 (23.00–31.10) 55.30 (43.20–70.70) 30.20 (23.50–38.80) 110.00 (82.50–145.00)
 %positive (≥ LOD at 10) 96.6 100.0 98.2, P > 0.9999 100.0, P > 0.9999
S IgG avidity on ELISA
 n 109 55 45 36
 GM avidity index (95% CI) 20.50 (19.10–22.10) 38.50 (34.60–42.80) 6.95 (5.03–9.60) 53.30 (48.30–58.80)
S IgG FcγRIIIa-binding on ELISA
 n 116 56 47 36
 GM OD450 value (95% CI) 0.749 (0.649–0.864) 1.410 (1.210–1.630) 1.100 (0.955–1.270) 1.790 (1.710–1.880)
 %positive (≥ LOD at 0.28) 87.1 98.2 95.7, P = 0.156 100.0, P > 0.9999

SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, S spike protein, N nucleocapsid protein, IgG immunoglobulin G, ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, GM geometric mean, OD optical density, CI confidence interval, LOD limit of detection, LOQ limit of quantification, RBD receptor-binding domain, ACE-2 angiotensin-converting enzyme-2, sVNT surrogate virus neutralisation test, PRNT plaque reduction neutralisation titre, PRNT90 90% plaque reduction neutralisation titre, PRNT50 50% plaque reduction neutralisation titre, FcγRIIIa Fc gamma receptor III-a. P values compare the proportion of positive responses between intramuscular and intradermal administration by Fisher’s exact test