Table 1.
No. | Cephalometric variables | Unit | No. | Cephalometric variables | Unit | No. | Cephalometric variables | Unit |
[1] | Incisor overjet | mm | [23] | ANB | deg | [45] | Body to anterior cranial base ratio | ratio |
[2] | Incisor overbite | mm | [24] | U1 to NA | mm | [46] | Facial depth | mm |
[3] | Interincisal angle | deg | [25] | U1 to NA Angle | deg | [47] | Facial length on Y-axis | mm |
[4] | Convexity of point A | mm | [26] | L1 to NB | mm | [48] | Posterior facial height | mm |
[5] | Lower facial height | deg | [27] | L1 to NB Angle | deg | [49] | Anterior facial height | mm |
[6] | Upper molar to PTV | mm | [28] | Pog to NB | mm | [50] | Posterior to anterior facial height ratio | ratio |
[7] | L1 to A-Pog | mm | [29] | Pog & L1 to NB (diff.) | mm | [51] | Occlusal plane to GoGn | deg |
[8] | U1 to A-Pog | mm | [30] | Occlusal Plane to SN | deg | [52] | U1 to SN angle | deg |
[9] | L1 inclination | deg | [31] | Wits Appraisal | mm | [53] | U1 to facial plane | mm |
[10] | Lower lip to E-plane | mm | [32] | IMPA | deg | [54] | L1 to facial plane | mm |
[11] | Facial angle | deg | [33] | FMIA | deg | [55] | Lower anterior facial height | mm |
[12] | Facial axis | deg | [34] | Saddle angle | deg | [56] | Upper Lip to E-Plane | mm |
[13] | FMA | deg | [35] | Articular angle | deg | [57] | Nasion perpendicular to point A | mm |
[14] | Palatal plane angle | deg | [36] | Gonion angle | deg | [58] | Pog-N perpendicular | mm |
[15] | Mandibular Arc | deg | [37] | Sum | deg | [59] | U1 to A vertical | mm |
[16] | Facial convexity | deg | [38] | Anterior cranial base | mm | [60] | ODI | deg |
[17] | A-B plane angle | deg | [39] | Posterior cranial base | mm | [61] | A-B to mandibular plane | deg |
[18] | Y axis | deg | [40] | Upper gonial angle | deg | [62] | APDI | deg |
[19] | Occlusal plane angle | deg | [41] | Lower gonial angle | deg | [63] | Combination factor | deg |
[20] | L1 to Occlusal plane angle | deg | [42] | Ramus height | mm | [64] | Extraction Index | complex |
[21] | SNA | deg | [43] | Posterior cranial base to ramus ratio | ratio | [65] | U1 to FH plane | deg |
[22] | SNB | deg | [44] | Mandibular body length | mm |