Table 3.
Bias domain | Type of bias | Operationalisationa |
Baseline characteristics | Selection bias | Where the CF and control subjects comparable at baseline, at least for age and sex? |
Housing | Performance bias | Was housing of animals mixed over the cages or adequately randomised/counterbalanced? |
Blinding | Performance bias | Were all involved in contact with the subjects adequately blinded? |
Outcome assessment | Detection bias | Was the order of measuring CF and control subjects adequately randomised/counterbalanced? |
Blinding | Detection bias | Were those performing the nPD and those analysing the traces adequately blinded? |
Missing outcome data | Attrition bias | Were missing outcome data transparently reported and equally distributed over CF and control groups? |
Selective outcome reporting (“cherry picking”) | Reporting bias | Was a protocol posted before study start, and were all planned outcomes reported? |
Other | Other bias | Were there no other reasons for concerns of biassing the results? |
aYes reflects a low risk of bias, no reflects a high risk of bias, unclear reflects insufficient information to be sure.