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. 2014 Oct 7;2014(10):CD009369. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009369.pub2

Kurland 1961.

Methods Randomisation: random selection, no further details.
Allocation: procedure not described.
Blinding: double. Dispensed in unmarked capsules of #0 and #1 size coloured pink to mask all
 identifying consistencies and colours of the drugs.
Duration: 6 weeks.
Design: parallel.
Location: single centre.
Setting: inpatients.
Participants Diagnosis: predominantly schizophrenia (clinical diagnosis).
N = 69.
 Gender: n.i..
 Age: mean 39 years.
 History: duration stable – n.i., duration ill – n.i., number of previous hospitalisations – n.i., age at onset – n.i., severity of illness – n.i., baseline antipsychotic dose – n.i..
Interventions 1. Perphenazine: flexible dose, allowed dose range 24 to 96 mg/day, mean dose 30.83 mg/day. N = 36. 
2. Chlorpromazine: flexible dose, allowed dose range 300 to 1200 mg/day, mean dose 401.35 mg/day. N = 33. 
Rescue medication: n.i..
Outcomes Leaving the study early.
Adverse effects: at least one adverse effect, movement disorders (MD) (at least one MD, akathisia, dyskinesia), adverse effects ‐ other (leucopenia, neurologic symptoms, rash, vasomotor episodes).
Unable to use:
Mental state: MSRPP (no SD), PSTS (no SD)
Behaviour: PRP (no usable data, no SD).
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Random selection, no further details.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Procedure not described.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Double. Dispensed in unmarked capsules of #0 and #1 size coloured pink to mask all identifying consistencies and colours of the drugs.
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Double. Dispensed in unmarked capsules of #0 and #1 size coloured pink to mask all identifying consistencies and colours of the drugs.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes High risk 32 out of 36 from the perphenazine group left the study early (89%) of which 22% dropped out due to EPS. 26 out of 33 from the low‐potency group left early (79%). LOCF was applied.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) High risk MSRPP (no SD), PRP and PSTS (no usable data).
Other bias Unclear risk On the first two days of the study, participants received intramuscular medication, after that they were given oral mediations.