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. 2024 Apr 26;25:109. doi: 10.1186/s13059-024-03249-z

Table 1.

Comparison of donor deconvolution pipelines

Demuxafy cellHashR HTOreader hadge
Framework Singularity R R Nextflow
Available genotype-based methods 5 - Souporcell 5
Available hashing-based methods - 7 HTOreader 7
Doublet detection methods 7 - - 1
Concatenating - - -(*)  + 
Parallelized - - -  + 
Pre-processing tools Samtools (*) ProcessCountMatrix, PlotNormalizationQC HTOClassification Samtools
Variant calling tools Freebayes(*), cellSNP-lite (*) (not relevant for hashing-based) (not relevant for hashing-based) Freebayes, cellSNP-lite
Associating clusters and donors Only through reference SNP genotypes (not relevant for hashing-based) From hashtags to donors based on confusion matrix From hashtags to donors based on matching Phi score
Combining results  +   +  -  + 
scverse compatibility - - -  + 

The “Pre-processing tools” and “variant calling tools” columns specify the respectively used tools that are (optionally) run before the deconvolution tools. “Concatenating” refers to the functionality to concatenate hashing-based and genotype-based deconvolution methods. “Combining Results” refers to the functionality that allows the merging of results from multiple methods into a single data frame during a single run, based on the users’ choice. ( +) The pipeline supports the mentioned functionality. ( −) The pipeline does not support the mentioned functionality. (*) The software is required as part of additional preprocessing outside of the pipeline