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. 2024 Apr 27;36(1):100. doi: 10.1007/s40520-024-02733-7

Table 2.

iTUG-related study characteristics (N = 20)

First author (year) iTUG technology, sensors iTUG speed instruction Body placement Number of iTUG repetitions Analyzed segments Purpose of iTUG use
Patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (PwiNPH)—surgical and invasive procedures
 Ferrari (2020) “mGAIT” (mHealth Technologies, Bologna, Italy): accelerometer, gyroscope Preferred speeda Shoes, lower trunk 3 Total iTUG duration iTUG was used to determine contribution of instrumented measures in assessing motor performance pre vs. post tap-test in PwiNPH; evaluate differences in effects 24 h or 72 h after tap-test
 Ferrari (2022) “mGAIT” (mHealth Technologies, Bologna, Italy): accelerometer, gyroscope Preferred speeda Shoes, lower trunk 3

Total iTUG duration

3 segments: sit-to-stand, walk total, stand-to-sit

iTUG was used to test validity of instrumental variables: concurrent validity, responsiveness to VPS, ability in tap-test to predict VPS outcomes
 Yamada (2019) “iPhone” (Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA), free application (Senior Quality, Digital Standard Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan): accelerometer, gyroscope As fast as possible Pouch, navel 2 Total iTUG duration iTUG was used to investigate different iTUG measures for evaluating gait disturbance pre/post tap-test and VPS
 Ishikawa (2019) “iPhone” (Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA), free application (Senior Quality, Digital Standard Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan): accelerometer, gyroscope As fast as possible without running Elastic belt, navel 2

Total iTUG duration

6 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2, turn 2, stand-to-sit

iTUG was used to examine usefulness of iTUG in PwiNPH and to explore changes in gait patterns
Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PwPD)—pharmacological intervention
 Dibilio (2017) “BTS G-WALK” (BTW Bioengineering S.p.A., Italy): accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope Usual walka Waist belt, L4/L5 2

Total iTUG duration

6 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2, turn 2, stand-to-sit

iTUG was used to evaluate L-dopa effects on gait parameters in PwPD disease in OFF and ON state
 Miller Koop (2018) “iPad” (Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA), custom application (Cleveland-Clinic-Mobility and Balance application, CC-MB): accelerometer, gyroscope Safe and comfortable speeda Band, lumbar spine 2

total iTUG duration

4 segments: sit-to-stand, walk total, turn 1, turn to sit

iTUG was used to detect differences in performance of PwPD ON and OFF medication within the segments of iTUG
Orthopedic conditions—elective surgery
 Bloomfield (2019) “iPod Touch” (Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA), inertial sensors (MetaMotionR, MBientLab, San Francisco, CA, USA): accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope Normal speeda Above and below each knee 3

Total iTUG duration

5 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2, stand-to-sit

iTUG was used to examine influence of functional parameters on postoperative outcomes after total knee replacement
 Perelgut (2020) Authors refer to Bloomfield (2019) Total iTUG duration iTUG was used to evaluate changes in clinical function after hip replacement surgery
Exercise and rehabilitation interventions in different settings and populations
 Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PwPD)
  Flood (2020) “Trigno” (Delsys Inc., Natick, MA, USA): accelerometer Comfortable and natural speeda L5, above rectus femoris (thighs) and tibialis anterior (shins) 2 Total iTUG duration iTUG was used to examine motor function of PwPD following LSVT-BIG® therapy
  Mollinedo-Cardalda (2018) “Wiva®” sensor: (LetSense SRL, Bologna, Italy): accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope As fast as possible (no running)a L4/L5 3 (1 practice trial fol-lowed by 2 repetitions of the TUG)a

Total iTUG duration

5 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2, turn 2

iTUG was used to evaluate the effects of a mat Pilates program on dynamic balance in PwPD
  Picardi (2020) Intertial measurement unit (mHT-mHealth Technologies, Bologna, Italy): accelerometer, gyroscope Preferred speed Lower back 5 Total iTUG duration iTUG was used to examine its validity as balance measure and responsiveness to rehabilitation in PwPD
 Participants recruited in outpatient settings
  Smith (2021) “Kinesis QTUGTM” instrument (Kinesis Health Technologies, Dublin, Ireland): accelerometer, gyroscope As fast as possible Elastic bandages, anterior tibia (shins) 1a

Total iTUG duration

5 segments: sit-to-stand, walk total, walk 1, turn 1, stand-to-sit

iTUG was used to examine its responsiveness, minimum detectable change (MDC) and observed effect size after a structured community exercise program
  Celletti (2020) “G-Sensor” (BTS SpA, Milan, Italy): accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope Habitual speeda Elastic belt, L5 3a

Total iTUG duration

5 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2, stand-to-sit

iTUG was used to evaluate functional improvement after back school therapy
  Doheny (2013) Inertial sensors (Shimmer Research, Dublin, Ireland): accelerometer, gyroscope As fast as possiblea L4: double-sided tape, tibial tuberosity: velcro straps 6 (1 practice trial followed by 6 repetitions of the TUG test with 1 min rest between repetitions)

Total iTUG duration

4 segments: sit-to-stand, walk to sit, turn 2, stand-to-sit

iTUG was used to evaluate functional mobility after step exercise program
  Williams (2021) Miniature balance sensor device (THETAmetrix, Portsmouth, UK): accelerometer, gyroscope No specific instructiona Elasticated strap, lower back 1 4 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2 iTUG was used to evaluate the effectiveness of a Tai Chi intervention in people with dementia
 Participants recruited in inpatient and institutionalized settings
  Caronni (2019) Inertial measurement unit (mHT-mHealth Technologies, Bologna, Italy): accelerometer, gyroscope Comfortable speed Lower trunk 5

Total iTUG duration

5 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2, turn and sit

iTUG was used to evaluate the responsiveness to rehabilitation of balance, gait and sensory ataxia measures in elderly with peripheral neuropathy of the lower limbs
  Cancela Carral (2017) “Wiva®” sensor: (LetSense SRL, Bologna, Italy): accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope As fast as possiblea L4/L5 2 (with 3 min rest period)a

Total iTUG duration

5 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2, stand-to-sit

iTUG was used to evaluate the effects of three chair-based exercise programs on strength, balance, functional mobility
  Cancela Carral (2019) “Wiva®” sensor: (LetSense SRL, Bologna, Italy): accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope As fast as possiblea L4/L5 2 (with 3 min rest period)a

Total iTUG duration

5 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2, stand-to-sit

iTUG was used to evaluate the effects of a strength training program on functional capacity
 Assistive devices
  Toosizadeh (2020) “LEGSys “ (BioSensics, Boston, MA, USA): gyroscope Self-selected normal speeda Anterior tibiae (shins) 3 (1 practice trial, 1 without vibration, 1 at 30 Hz, 1 at 40 Hz)

Total iTUG duration

5 segments: sit-to-stand, walk 1, turn 1, walk 2, turn and sit

iTUG was used to evaluate the effect of calf muscle vibration stimulation on dynamic balance
  Yalla (2014) “BalanSens™” (BioSensics LLC, Boston, USA): accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope Habitual speeda Lower back: waist belt, anterior tibiae (shins), thighs: velcro bands 2 trials for each footwear conditiona Total iTUG duration iTUG was used to evaluate the effect of ankle foot orthoses on postural stability

Column 7 contains the analyzed variables/segments for which data regarding time measurements are available (see Tables 3 and 4)

LSVT-BIG® Lee Silverman Voice Treatment, VPS ventriculoperitoneal shunt

aInformation received on request from the authors of the respective article