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. 2024 Apr 15;4:1332397. doi: 10.3389/fneph.2024.1332397

Table 1.

Observational studies so far and ongoing (1, 13).

Study Population Intervention Results with SGLT2i
Fructuoso et al., 2023 (14). Observational, n= 339
KTR with T2DM or PTDM
Significant reductions in body weight, BP, fasting glycaemia, HbA1c, UPCR.
The most frequent adverse event was UTI in 14%.
Rajasekeran et al., 2017 (15) Case series
(4 SPKT, 6 KTR)
KTR or SPKT on canagliflozin
Canagliflozin Reduction of HbA1c −0.84%
Reduction of body weight −2.14 kg
Reduction of BP −6.4mmHg
No UTI or mycotic infection
AlKindi et al., 2020 (16). Case series
(8 KTR)
(T2DM or PTDM)
Empagliflozin (6 patients), dapagliflozine (2 patients) -6 months follow-up:
Decrease in body weight -4kg
-12 months follow-up:
Decrease of HbA1c
Stable eGFR
Stable BP
One episode of UTI
Attallah and Yassine 2019 (17) Case series
(8 KTR)
KTR on empagliflozin (T2DM or PTDM)
Empagliflozin -12 months follow-up:
Reduction of HbA1c
Slight reduction in eGFR, then stabilized
Reduction of proteinuria (UPCR) of 0.6 g/day.
Reduction of body weight - 2.4 kg.
Two cases of UTI
Schwaiger et al., 2019 (18) Prospective interventional study (14 KTR)
KTR with insulin
Empagliflozin -4 weeks follow-up:
Reduction of eGFR by 7.5 ml/min/1.73 m2.
Three cases of UTI and one case of uncomplicated balanitis.
-12 months follow-up:
Stable HbA1c.
Reduction of body weight -1.6 kg
Mahling et al., 2019 (19) Prospective case series
(10 KTR)
Stable KTR
Empagliflozin -12 months follow-up:
No change in eGFR
Reduction of body weight −1.9 kg
Low rate of UTI and other side effects
Shah et al., 2019 (20) Prospective descriptive study
(24 KTR)
Stable KTR with T2DM or PTDM
Canagliflozin -6 months follow-up:
Decrease of body weight -2.5kg
Decrease of: SBP -8mmHg, DBP -2mmHg
HbA1c reduction -0.9%
No UTI increase
Song et al., 2020 (21) Observational retrospective (50 KTR)
KTR, eGFR >30 ml/min/1.73 m2 with T2DM or PTDM
Empagliflozin (n = 43), canagliflozin (n = 6) or dapagliflozin (n = 1) -6 months follow-up:
Decrease of body weight −2.95 kg
No increase of UTI
Stable renal function
Lim et al., 2022 (22) Observational retrospective (226 KTR)
KTR with T2DM on SGLT2i
Lower risk for all-cause mortality, death-censored graft failure and serum creatinine doubling
eGFR stable
Lemke et al., 2022 (23) Observational retrospective (39 KTR)
(T2DM or PTDM)
Canagliflozin (n = 12), dapagliflozin (n = 3), empagliflozin (n = 24) -12 months follow-up:
Stable renal function
UTI was the most common adverse event
HbA1c reduction -1%

AKI, acute kidney injury; BP, Blood Pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; eGFR, estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate; RCT, Randomized Control Trial; KTR, kidney transplant recipient; SBP, systolic blood pressure; PTDM, Post Transplant Diabetes Mellitus; SPKT, Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation; UPCR, Urine Protein Creatinine Ratio; UACR, Urine Albumin creatinine Ratio; UTI, Urinary Tract infection.