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. 2024 Apr 10;11:1347985. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2024.1347985


List of abbreviations used in this article.

Abbreviation Explanation Abbreviation Explanation
V-SLAM Visual simultaneous localization and mapping LSD Large-scale direct
ROS Robot Operating System OKVIS Open keyframe-based visual–inertial
Lidar Light detection and ranging DVO Dense visual odometry
BA Bundle adjustment RPGO Robust pose-graph optimization
BoW Bag of words IMU Inertial measurement unit
PTAM Parallel tracking and mapping GPS Global positioning system
FAST Features from accelerated segment test MAV Micro air vehicle
ROVIO Robust visual–inertial odometry AGV Automated-guided vehicle
HRI Human–robot interaction UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle
DTAM Dense tracking and mapping AR Augmented reality
LCP Loop closure process VR Virtual reality
SS Semantic segmentation RoLi Range of light intensity
DSt Dense stereo ILR Illumination and light robustness
DSe Dense semantics BRIEF Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
SCE Spatial coordinate errors