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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Apr 29.
Published in final edited form as: Fertil Steril. 2015 Nov 25;105(3):722–728. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.11.012


First trimester pregnancy loss by maternal characteristics in fresh and frozen autologous IVF cycles from 2007 to 2012.

Characteristic No. of IUP No. of first trimester losses (% of all pregnancies) P value
Total 249,630 37,445 (15)
Maternal age (y) at oocyte retrievala < .0001
 <30 43,163 4,213 (9.8)
 30–34 96,198 10,814 (11.2)
 35–37 55,856 8,186 (14.7)
 38–40 39,131 8,606 (22.0)
 >40 15,282 5,626 (36.8)
 Non-Hispanic white 118,482 16,607 (14.0)
 Non-Hispanic black 9,735 1,802 (18.5)
 Asian/Pacific Islander 17,990 3,059 (17.0)
 Hispanic 14,003 2,160 (15.4)
 Other 345 55 (15.9)
Body mass index (kg/m2)b
 <20 22,751 3,175 (14.0)
 20–24.9 91,686 13,071 (14.3)
 25.0–29.9 44,007 6,763 (15.4)
 ≥30 32,176 5,630 (17.5)
No. of prior pregnanciesa < .0001
 0 110,062 14,503 (13.2)
 1 70,686 10,865 (15.4)
 ≥2 68,203 11,998 (17.6)
No. of prior spontaneous abortionsa < .0001
 0 173,744 23,990 (13.8)
 1 49,679 8,523 (17.2)
 ≥2 24,779 4,751 (19.2)
No. of prior birthsa < .0001
 0 173,692 25,594 (14.7)
 1 58,250 8,911 (15.3)
 ≥2 16,572 2,776 (16.8)
No. of prior ART cyclesa < .0001
 0 126,941 16,448 (13.0)
 1 62,975 10,178 (16.2)
 ≥2 59,673 10,812 (18.1)
Infertility diagnosis
 Male factora < .0001
  Yes 101,683 14,301 (14.1)
  No 147,947 23,144 (15.6)
 Ovulatory dysfunctiona < .0001
  Yes 46,367 6,316 (13.6)
  No 203,263 21,129 (15.3)
 Diminished ovarian reservea < .0001
  Yes 35,615 7,834 (22.0)
  No 214,015 29,611 (13.8)
 Endometriosisa < .0001
  Yes 29,111 4,027 (13.8)
  No 220,519 33,418 (15.2)
 Uterine factora < .0001
  Yes 10,409 2,127 (20.4)
  No 239,221 35,318 (14.8)
 Tubal factora .5167
  Yes 40,685 6,156 (15.1)
  No 208,945 31,289 (15.0)
 Other factora < .0001
  Yes 27,171 4,603 (16.9)
  No 222,459 32,842 (14.8)
 Unknown factora .0019
  Yes 36,561 5,212 (14.3)
  No 213,069 32,233 (15.1)
Cycle typea < .0001
  Fresh 203,970 29,199 (14.3)
  Frozen 45,660 8,246 (18.1)
No. of oocytes retrieveda,c < .0001
  <5 13,887 2,993 (21.6)
  5–9 57,810 9,704 (16.8)
  10–19 119,644 16,795 (14.0)
  20–29 44,811 6,124 (13.7)
  ≥30 13,454 1,825 (13.6)
 Ovarian hyperstimulation (fresh cycles only)a < .0001
  Yes 2,956 275 (9.3)
  No 201,014 28,924 (14.4)
 No. of embryos transferreda < .0001
  1 30,645 5,133 (16.8)
  2 148,509 18,774 (12.6)
  3 50,020 8,614 (17.2)
  ≥4 20,442 4,917 (24.1)
 Use of intracytoplasmic sperm injectionc,d .5679
  Yes 178,265 26,626 (14.9)
  No 65,246 9,848 (15.1)
 Embryo stage at transferc,e < .0001
  Day 2/3 118,430 19,915 (16.8)
  Day 5/6 119,784 15,645 (13.1)
 Use of assisted hatchinga < .0001
  Yes 94,374 17,472 (18.5)
  No 155,256 19,973 (12.9)
 No. of supernumerary embryos cryopreserveda,c < .0001
  0 104,332 18,072 (17.3)
  1–2 47,629 6,549 (13.8)
  3–4 40,322 5,349 (13.3)
  ≥5 56,745 7,411 (13.1)
 No. of fetal heartbeats on first ultrasounda < .0001
  0 16,592 15,832 (95.4)
  1 157,723 19,025 (12.1)
  2 67,754 1,762 (2.6)
  ≥3 6,785 122 (1.8)
 Reporting yeara .0006
  2007 37,448 5,264 (14.1)
  2008 41,308 6,167 (14.9)
  2009 41,396 6,325 (15.3)
  2010 42,151 6,273 (14.9)
  2011 42,376 6,602 (15.6)
  2012 44,951 6,814 (15.2)

Note: ART = assisted reproductive technology; IUP = intrauterine pregnancy. Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified.


Missing <1%.


>20% missing, no statistical testing conducted due to large amount of unavailable data.


For frozen cycles included, data from original fresh cycles to which cycle is linked.


Missing 2.5%.


Missing 4.6%.