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. 2024 Apr 15;91(Spec Issue):205–223. doi: 10.5114/jhk/186659

Table 1a.

Summaries of studies included in the review.

Study Participants Intervention Outcomes Measured Summary of findings
Abadiia et al. (2017) 20 active M 5 x 15, ECC knee flexion. AR (upper STR Tr-3x70%1RM to failure) vs. PR CK, hamstring STR, DOMS. Pre, 0, 20, 24, 48 h post AR ↑ slow concentric force. No negative effects in other metrics
Bartolomei et al. (2017) 12 RT M High VOL: 8x10x70%1RM & high intensity: 8x3x90%1RM in BS CMJ, iso-kinetic & -metric
KE, IMTP, ISO BS, CSA, T:C, IL-6, C-reactive protein, CK, LDH, pre, 30
min, 24, 48, & 72 h post
High-VOL = > performance deficits & MD vs. high intensity
Bartolomei et al. (2019) 25 RT M High VOL BP (8x10x70%1RM), PR or AR (BP, 5x10x10%1RM) 6-& 30-h post BP throw, ISO BP & MT pec & triceps, & DOMS 15 min, 24, & 48 h post BP throw, max ISO force, & pec MT restored 24 h in AR. No diff. DOMS
Bartolomei et al. (2023) 22 RT M Mixed or block
periodisation. Mixed = HYP, POW, STR each session. Block = one per
mesocycle 10 wks
BF%, MT, 1RM BS + bench, CMJ + BPT, IBP, ILE, load VOL Mixed = > FFM, MT &1RM BP. Block = > CMJ
Belcher et al. (2019) 12 well Tr. M BS, BP, & DL 4x80%1RM to failure Swell, ROM, DOMS, ACV 70% 1RM, CK, LDH, & cfDNA pre, 0, 24, 48, 72, & 96 h post ACV < in BS 72 h & BP at 0 h. cfDNA related to ACV all conditions at 0 h
Dourado et al. (2023) 14 un-Tr. young M Unilateral KE & LP, 8x10x70–90%10RM Peak torque, CMJ, & MT pre, 0, 24, 48, 72, & 96 h post LP = < performance & REC rectus femoris muscle edema. VLa REC delayed post KEs
Gonzalez-Badillo et al. (2016) 9 experienced RT M 3x4 vs. 8x80% 1RM in BS & BP CMJ, V1-Load, T:C, GH, prolactin, IGF-1, CK, HRV & HRC pre, 0, 6, 24, & 48 h post 3 x 4 = < ↓velocity, CMJ, hormonal, MD, HRV & HRC & faster REC
Held et al. (2021) 4 F & 17 M Tr. rowers Same intensity VBT, 10% VL vs. traditional 1RM Tr., 5 exercises, 4x80%1RMx fail, 8 wks BS, DL, bench row, & BP 1RM, VO2 max rowing, & REC/stress VL10 = > BS, row, & BP 1RM & REC & stress 24 + 48 h post
Helland et al. (2020) 8 M & 8 F STR Tr. 1 STR (5RM) & 1 POW (50%5RM) session BS jump, CMJ, 20m sprint, BS & BP peak POW, e1RM, RPE & PRS pre, 0, 24, & 48 h post Large NM impairment & > REC times post STR vs. POW session
Howatson et al. (2016) 10 elite track & field athletes STR (4x5xRPE 17/20) or
POW (4x5x30% load) in BS/speed BS, split BS/split-BS jump, push/POW press
MVC, jump height, central activation ratio, & lactate pre, 0, & 24 h post > NM & metabolic demand post STR impaired max force up to 24 h
Kotikangas et al. (2022) 8 POW + 8 STR athletes & 7 non-athletes POW (7x6x50%1RM), STR (7x3x3RM), or HYP (5x10x10RM), smith BS CMJ, T:C, GH, & lactate pre, middle testing, 0, 24 & 48 h post POW condition = > ↓in POW vs. STR athletes in CMJ. Higher GH in STR athletes vs. non-athletes
Lewis et al. (2022) 16 M & 12 F RT Pre, REC (4,24, or 48 h), & post REC 4x10RM bicep curls & KE to failure REC = reps in post REC. Fatigue = reps set to set REC = no sex diff. Fatigue = < reps in later sets & F > reps bicep curls