A. The distribution of household status from listing in the original serosurvey conducted in Choma and Ndola Districts, by cluster. Households classified as “Available” provided consent to participate in the study and reported that they would be available during the data collection; these households comprised the sampling frame for the original study. Households that refused (“Refused”) were excluded from the original study sampling frame and were ineligible for the missed populations study. Households classified as “Non-contact” were households that were locked at the time of listing (and during revisits), or if there was no adult respondent at home, and nobody was available to provide information about the household (e.g. neighbor). Finally, households that were listed but which reported not being available during data collection (“Contact, not available”) were excluded from the sampling frame in the original study. The households in the latter two categories were eligible for the missed populations study. Clusters are arranged in descending order by percentage of households eligible for the missed populations study (“Non-contact” and “Contact, not available” households). “X”‘s indicate clusters selected for the missed population study. B. Distribution of households that the data collection team attempted to reach by status, cluster, and district in the missed populations study. Households classified as “Completed” were successfully located and provided consent to participate in the study. “Household not found” indicates households identified for inclusion in the missed populations study that could not be located during this study. “Non-contact” refers to households which were physically located, but ones in which the data collection team could not contact its occupants. No household refused participation. Clusters are arranged in order of decreasing percent missed in the missed populations study, comprised of “Household Not Found” and “Non-contact” households.