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. 2024 Apr 29;4(4):e0003072. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0003072

Table 2. Healthcare-seeking and characteristics reported by caregivers of children 1–4 years old and 5–14 years old.

Results presented are for univariable analysis, by district and age group, and multivariable analysis, by age group only. “Original” refers to the serosurvey carried out in April—June 2022 in Ndola and Choma districts, Zambia, using stratified multi-stage clustering design. “Missed” refers to the study sample from the follow-up missed population study, carried out in a subset of clusters of the original survey between July—August 2022. This study was carried out in a subsample of clusters from the original survey; in each selected cluster, a sample of households not available during listing of the original serosurvey, and hence excluded from its sampling frame, were randomly selected.

Caregivers of children 1–4 years old Caregivers of children 5–14 years old
Ndola Choma Multivariable OR; p-value2 Ndola Choma Multivariable OR; p-value2
Characteristic Original (N = 101); Missed (N = 106) p-value1 Original (N = 198); Missed (N = 105) p-value1 Original (N = 208); Missed (N = 185) p-value1 Original (N = 371); Missed (N = 162) p-value1
District (Ref: Ndola) 0.246; p = 0.001 0.104; p<0.001
Household-level characteristics
Male-headed household 73%; 67% 0.32 82%;58% <0.001 0.513; p = 0.003 68%;32% 0.027 70%;62% 0.090 0.711; p = 0.030
Wealth score3 1.74 (1.26);1.35 (1.13) <0.001 -1.36 (2.67);-2.00 (2.80) <0.001 0.821; p = 0.014 1.96 (1.12)– 1.47 (1.09) <0.001 -1.31 (2.74); -1.59 (2.91) 0.003 0.651; p<0.001
Number of people in household3 6 (2); 6 (3) 0.12 6 (3); 5 (2) <0.001 0.919; p = 0.050 6 (3); 6 (2) 0.016 6 (2); 5 (2) 0.002 0.903; p = 0.002
Male child 41%;51% 0.15 51%;58% 0.24 1.458; p = 0.062 51%;46% 0.30 48%;52% 0.44 0.899; p = 0.477
Health care seeking at Choma General Hospital or Arthur Davison Children’s Hospital
Would seek care at referral-level health facility4 0.032 0.004 0.032 0.004
Don’t know 0%;0% 0.5%;0% 0%;0% 0.3%;0%
No 7%;1% 15%;3.8% 5%;1% 14%;5.6%
Yes 93%;99% 85%;96% 95%;99% 85%;94%
Way to travel to referral-level health facility 0.43 0.86 0.073 0.20
 Private motorized transport (e.g., personal car or scooter) 5.0%;2.8% 2.5%;4.8% 5.3%;8.1% 5.4%;8.0%
 Public motorized transport (e.g., bus, taxi) 85%;83% 72%;69% 87%;82% 68%;60%
 Walk 8.9%;14% 21%;22% 5.8%;9.7% 22%;28%
 Bicycle 0%;0% 3.5%;3.8% 0%;0% 3.5%;2.5%
 Other 1.0%;0% 1.0%;1.0% 1.9%;0% 0.5%;1.2%
Travel time to referral-level health facility5 0.23 0.26 0.32 0.13
 Less than 30 mins 17%;13% 17%;25% 16%;18% 18%;19%
 30 mins—less than 1 hr 35%;25% 18%;18% 36%;29% 18%;26%
 1 hr—less than 2 hrs 32%;39% 22%;26% 33%;33% 22%;22%
 2 hrs—less than 3 hrs 15%;23% 17%;13% 15%;20% 22%;16%
 3 or more hours 0%;0% 26%;17% 0%;0% 21%;17%
General healthcare-seeking behavior
Money not a big barrier for health care seeking 37%;47% 0.12 24%;10% 0.003 0.907; p = 0.684 33%;42% 0.045 23%;10% <0.001 0.995; p = 0.980
Distance not a big problem for health care seeking 71%;78% 0.24 42%;51% 0.11 75%;83% 0.059 44%;47% 0.56
Where respondent would seek care for child’s severe fever first 0.93 0.041 0.021 0.042
 Government clinic / health center 94%;95% 92%;98% 92%;96% 94%;96%
 Government or mission hospital 4.0%;3.8% 3.0%;0% 7.2%;2.2% 1.6%;1.9%
 Pharmacy or chemist 1.0%;0% 0%;0% 0%;0% 0%;0%
 Private clinic or hospital 1.0%;0.9% 0.5%;0% 0.5%;1.6% 0%;0%
 Community health worker 0%;0% 4.5%;1.0% 0%;0% 4.0%;0.6%
 Traditional healer 0%;0% 0%;1.0% 0%;0% 0%;0.6%
 Other facility 0%;0% 0%;0% 0%;0.5% 0%;0.6%
 Don’t know 0%;0% 0%;0% 0%;0% 0.3%;0%
Has vaccination card6 0.82 0.084
 No 3.0%;1.9% 5.6%;3.8%
 Yes, card not seen 36%;39% 33%;46% Only applicable to children 1–4 years old. Caretakers of children 5–14 years old were not asked these questions.
 Yes, card seen 61%;59% 62%;50%
Regular vaccination location5,6 0.004 0.74
 Community health worker 2.0%;0% 0%;0%
 Government clinic / health post 80%;94% 86%;83%
 Government or mission hospital 4.0%;0.9% 2.5%;1.9%
 Other facility or individual, specify 0%;0.9% 0%;0%
 Outreach posts 14%;3.8% 11%;15%
 Does not receive vaccines 0%;0% 0.5%;0%

1Fisher’s exact test; Pearson’s Chi-squared test.

2In multivariable model, the following covariates were included: District, male sex, male-headed household, wealth score, number of people in household, money not a big problem for seeking healthcare. For children 1–4 years old only, receipt of second dose of Pentavalent vaccine was also included. Full results are presented in S3 Appendix.

3Mean (SD).

4Choma General Hospital for respondents in Choma District or Arthur Davison Children’s Hospital for respondents in Ndola District.

5Excludes “Don’t know” responses.

6Only applicable to children 1–4 years old. Caretakers of children 5–14 years old were not asked these questions.