Frequencies and numbers of Foxp3+ Treg cells and frequencies of Ki67+, CD44hiCD62Llo, IL-17+, and IFNγ+ Tconv cells gated on the live CD4+Foxp3− population in a, spleen and b, LI LP of Foxp3CreIl27fl/fl mice and WT littermates (~8–12 weeks). c, FACS analysis and d, frequencies of RORgt+ in Tconv cells gated on the live CD4+Foxp3− population in spleen and SI LP of Foxp3CreIl27fl/fl mice and WT littermates (~8–12 weeks). e, Frequencies of IL-17+ in RORgt+ Tconv cells gated on the live CD4+Foxp3− population in spleen and SI LP of Foxp3CreIl27fl/fl mice and WT littermates (~8–12 weeks). f, Frequencies of IL-17+ and IFNγ+ Ly5.1+ Teff cells (isolated from Foxp3KO mice) gated on the live CD4+Foxp3− population in spleens of RAG-deficient mice three weeks after co-transferred with Treg cells isolated from either Foxp3CreIl27fl/fl mice or WT littermates. Each symbol represents an individual mouse. Data are presented as mean values +/− SD. In a, from right to left: n.s. = 0.2762 (n = 10 for Foxp3CreIl27+/+; 8 for Foxp3CreIl27fll/fl); n.s. = 0.2290 (n = 9 for Foxp3CreIl27+/+; 7 for Foxp3CreIl27fll/fl); n.s. = 0.9168 (n = 8 for Foxp3CreIl27+/+; 7 for Foxp3CreIl27fll/fl); n.s. = 0.9197 (n = 8 for Foxp3CreIl27+/+; 7 for Foxp3CreIl27fll/fl); n.s. = 0.2547 (n = 9 for Foxp3CreIl27+/+; 7 for Foxp3CreIl27fll/fl); n.s. = 0.3885 (n = 10 for Foxp3CreIl27+/+; 8 for Foxp3CreIl27fll/fl). In b, from right to left: n.s. = 0.7752; n.s. = 0.5144; n.s. = 0.5537; n.s. = 0.8933; *P = 0.0155; n.s. = 0.0577 (n = 8). In d, Spl: n.s. = 0.9907; SI: **P = 0.0025 (n = 7). In e, Spl: n.s. = 0.7866; SI: n.s. = 0.4099 (n = 7). In f, IL-17: n.s. = 0.7980; IFNγ: n.s. = 0.7652 (n = 12). Statistical significance was determined by two-tailed unpaired t test.