(a) RAPD fingerprint profile (a) generated with primer 70-40 (lanes 2 to 5) and 16S rDNA primers that were streptomycetes specific and universal CLF-4 (lanes 6 to 10). (b) Southern blot using 0.3-kb S. lydicus WYEC108-specific probe. Lane 1, DNA mass ladder; lane 2, DNA extracted from WYEC108 spores (10 ng of DNA); lane 3, DNA extracted from WYEC108 spores in soil (10 ng); lane 4, 1:100 dilution of WYEC108 spore-amended soil (5 ng); lane 5, positive control template DNA from WYEC108. Lanes 6 to 9 show samples identical to those of lanes 2 to 5 but amplified with 16S rDNA primers. Lane 10, no DNA control.