Subject | Social Sciences |
Specific subject area | Digital skills; Digital literacy; Youth; Internet usage; Online experiences; Wellbeing; Class environment; |
Data format | SPSS data files format |
Type of data | Processed datafile in SPSS data files format |
Data collection | Respondents were recruited from schools with a purposive, non-probability sampling method. Data collection occurred over three waves of surveys conducted in 2021, 2022, and 2023, using Computer-Assisted Web Interviews (CAWI). Trained administrators oversaw the survey administration, which took place either in standard computer classrooms or remotely at home during online classes because of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. The questionnaire was collaboratively developed by the ySKILLS network and it included a combination of newly devised and validated measures. |
Data source location | Institution: KU Leuven City/Town/Region: Leuven Country: Belgium |
Data accessibility | Repository name: ySKILLS three-wave survey [1] Data identification number: 10.17632/c66jczxfjc.4 Direct URL to data |