Figure 1.
Brain state dependence of the sensory-evoked functional networks
(A) Schematic representation of the whiskers stimulation experiment (upper panel). Averaged raw image of the field of view of the wide-field microscope (lower panel, left, 25 ms exposure time for a duration of 40 s) and Allen Mouse Brain Atlas parcellation (lower panel, right). Scale bar, 1 mm.
(B) Representative image sequences showing the cortical activity in different brain states. White dots represent bregma and blue dots represent the stimulus time. Scale bar, 1 mm.
(C) Single-trial time series showing the cortical response to whisker stimulation in different brain states. The traces represent the average activity of all the pixels in the masked field of view. Vertical dashed lines represent the stimulus time.
(D) Correlation matrices (Pearson’s correlation, Fisher’s z-transformed) of rsFC in the four brain states from deep anesthesia to wakefulness (top). Sensory-evoked functional connectivity matrices (bottom).
(E) Boxplots displaying the global rsFC calculated averaging the correlation values of all paired cortical regions within animal and brain state. Box shows the standard error range, black line is the mean and whiskers lengths are the extreme data points. LME with Bonferroni correction (awake vs. light p = 0.01; deep vs. light p = 0.02, ∗p < 0.05). Data are shown as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM).
(F) Boxplots displaying the global seFC calculated by averaging the correlation values of all paired cortical regions. Box shows the standard error range, black line is the mean and whiskers lengths are the extreme data points. LME with Bonferroni correction (awake vs. deep p = 1.485e-07; awake vs. light p = 3.260e-09; awake vs. medium p = 2.767e-08; deep vs. light p = 0.002; deep vs. medium p = 0.012) ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001) Data are shown as mean ± SEM.
(G) Matrices displaying differences between rsFC and seFC for all the four brain states. The quantification of the differences is shown in the upper part of the matrices and the corresponding statistical significance is reported in the bottom part (black square = non-significant; yellow square = Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p < 0.05). ndeep = 6 mice, nmedium = 6 mice, nlight = 5 mice, nawake = 5 mice.