Table 2.
Psychometric scores | Mean (SD) |
PANSS–positive | 12.90 (5.10) |
PANSS–negative | 18.21 (5.59) |
PANSS–marder negative factor | 18.14 (6.12) |
PANSS–general psychopathology | 29.382 (7.44) |
CAINS–MAP | 20.81 (8.98) |
CAINS–EXP | 6.95 (4.56) |
CDSS | 3.17 (4.03) |
CGI–S | 4.18 (0.93) |
OSQ–satisfaction | 4.55 (1.64) |
OSQ3 | 2.21 (1.21) |
OSQ6 | 1.87 (1.28) |
OSQ11 | 2.49 (1.79) |
Cognition scores | Mean (SD) |
MATRICS–CCB subtest raw scores | |
TMT A | 52.75 (35.09) |
BACS | 38.23 (14.30) |
HVLT–R | 21.92 (6.66) |
WMSIII | 14.13 (4.08) |
LNS | 12.36 (4.12) |
NAB:MAZES | 11.66 (8.02) |
BVMT–R | 16.88 (9.42) |
CF | 17.85 (5.95) |
MSCEIT ME | 88.95 (14.69) |
CPT–IP | 1.91 (0.83) |
MATRICS–CCB domain scores | |
Speed of processing | 32.68 (15.04) |
Attention/vigilance | 34.06 (11.19) |
Working memory | 38.70 (12.93) |
Visual learning | 36.46 (13.73) |
Verbal learning | 38.78 (10.31) |
Reasoning/problem–solving | 37.17 (9.46) |
Social cognition | 41.46 (16.36) |
MATRICS–CS | 259.34 (63.02) |
Functioning scores | Mean (SD) |
PSP–Total | 53.54 (17.67) |
Laboratory results | Mean (SD) |
Hematology | |
RBCs (μl) | 4.88 (0.48) |
Hemoglobin (g/dl) | 14.67 (1.54) |
Platelets (μl) | 229.67 (57.34) |
PLR (μl) | 198.78 (41.47) |
NLR (μl) | 1.96 (1.02) |
MLR (μl) | 0.26 (0.11) |
Hormones | |
Insulin (μU/ml) | 16.23 (12.60) |
Inflammatory and oxidative biomarkers | |
CRP (ml/dl) | 0.43 (0.66) |
IL_1RA (pg/ml) | 209.12 (142.85) |
IL_6 (pg/ml) | 1.40 (0.82) |
Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; CAINS, Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms; EXP, expression subscale; MAP, motivation and pleasure subscale; CDSS, Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia; CGI-S, clinical global impression-schizophrenia severity; PSP, personal and social performance; OSQ, Oviedo sleep questionnaire; MATRICS-CCB, measurement and treatment research to improve cognition in schizophrenia-consensus cognitive battery; TMTA, Trail Making Test A; BACS, brief assessment of cognition in schizophrenia: symbol coding; HVLT-R, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised; WMSIII, Wechsler Memory Scale Spatial Span-III; LNS, letter number span; NAB:MAZES, neuropsychological assessment battery: mazes; BVMT-R, brief visuospatial memory test revised; CF, category fluency; MSCEIT ME, Mayer-Salovey-Caruso emotional intelligence test: managing emotions; CPT-IP, continuous performance test: identical pairs; CS, composite score; PLR, platelet/lymphocyte ratio; NLR, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio; MLR, monocyte/lymphocyte ratio; CRP, C-reactive protein; IL, interleukin; RBCs, red blood cells.