Fig. 5.
Platform-specific gene quantification and cell-type marker identification. (A) UMAP blots of luminal epithelial cells and endothelial cells colored by cells derived from benign and PCa tumor tissues as well as by cells derived from datasets generated with 10X Chromium and BD Rhapsody. (B) VENN diagram of top 200 DEG detected by 10X Chromium or BD Rhapsody in luminal epithelial cells (upper panel) and endothelial cells (lower panel). (C) Top expressed genes in luminal epithelial cells and endothelial cells in datasets generated with 10X Chromium and BD Rhapsody. (D) Gene expression levels of IFI27, VWF, and CD34 detected in endothelial cells by 10X Chromium and BD Rhapsody. (E) Gene expression levels of IFI27, VWF, and CD34 in individual samples. Each dot refers to a sample (benign or tumor tissue) with at least 40 endothelial cells in both 10X Chromium and BD Rhapsody groups. Paired t-test, *p ≤ 0.05.