Effectivenessa against all-cause hospitalization. NMV/r effectiveness against all-cause hospitalization compared with no NMV/r ranged from 21% to 89%. aTreatment effectiveness percentages were calculated by subtracting hazard ratios or odds ratios from 1 and multiplying by 100. bThis study was limited to patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Note: The definition of “no NMV/r” varied across studies. The following definitions were used for “no NMV/r”: Yip et al,15 Hashash et al,25 and Zhou et al14 used “not prescribed NMV/r or molnupiravir”; Ganatra et al22 used “did not receive ritonavir, nirmatrelvir, tixagevimab-cilgavimab, bebtelovimab, bamlanivimab, molnupiravir, or convalescent plasma transfusion”; Xie et al17 used “did not receive other outpatient COVID-19 antiviral or antibody treatments within 30 days of the index date”; and Hsu et al,16 Paraskevis et al,23 and Aggarwal et al24 stated “not receiving NMV/r.”