Fig. 4. 5hmC is altered in cell type-specific and tumor type-specific manner.
Cell type driven differentially (A) hydroxymethylated and (B) methylated CpGs in each tumor type identified by epigenome wide association study adjusted for cell type proportions. Significantly differentially hydroxymethylated and methylated CpGs were defined by q < 0.05. Venn diagram of shared differentially hydroxymethylated CpGs in (C) neuronal-like cell types and (D) progenitor-like cell types across the four tumor types. Number of cell type driven differential CpGs were statistically significant under adjusted p < 0.05. ATC Astrocytoma, EMB Embryonal tumors, EPN Ependymoma, GNN Glioneuronal/neuronal tumors. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.