a, Box plots depicting total fungal reads in normal
pancreas tissue (n=5 biologically independent samples) and pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma (PDAC) tissue (n=13 biologically independent samples).
b, Box plots depicting sequencing reads assigned to the fungal
genus Malassezia in normal pancreas tissue (n=5 biologically
independent samples) and PDAC tissue (n=13 biologically independent samples).
c, Alpha diversity measures of normal pancreas tissue (n=4
biologically independent samples) and PDAC tissue (n=13 biologically independent
samples). Diversity measures shown are the number of observed taxa, the Chao1
index, abundance-based coverage estimates (ACE), and the Shannon and
Simpson’s indices. d, Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling
plot of normal pancreas tissue (n=4 biologically independent samples) and PDAC
tissue (n=13 biologically independent samples) fungal communities, based on
Bray–Curtis dissimilarity. e, Relative abundances of the top
ten fungal genera identified in normal and PDAC pancreatic tissue samples. Box
plot minima and maxima bounds represent the 25th and 75th
percentiles, respectively; the centre bound represents the median (a, b,
c). Whiskers extend to 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR)
(a, b), and data in c are presented as mean
± SEM after a single sample with zero fungal reads was dropped from the
analysis. P values were estimated using two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum tests
(a, b, c) or two-way PERMANOVA (d). Individual
data points are shown.