Extended Data Fig. 6. Probability of tracking the vertical velocities of isotherm shifts (climate velocities) for mountain species.
a, Diagram summarizing how the probability of tracking climate velocities was calculated (i = 1,000). b, Replicate of Fig. 4f with colour-labelled exemplar taxonomic groups. The raw values are shown in c. The centre line of the box plot represents median; box limits, upper and lower quartiles; whiskers, 1.5 times the interquartile range. The sample size for three examples are 219 (green), 372 (blue) and 433 (orange). d,e, The different probabilities of species tracking climate velocities under different P thresholds (P = 0.01 (d) and P = 0.001 (e)). A total of 83 taxon–region pairs are plotted. Each plot represents 1 to more than 400 raw data points. Only mean values are shown. Upward and downward shifts are shown together with their absolute values. For raw data points, see Supplementary Fig. 4. The statistics were done using a two-tailed approach without adjustment for multiple comparisons.