Figure 4.
Mediating role of infarct volume on the effect of global hyperperfusion on worse 90-day mRS. Unstandardized and standardized regression coefficients for each path of the mediation model are presented. The 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for the unstandardized coefficients are provided. †Controlled for age, sex, smoking, initial NIHSS score, occlusion site of M2, intravenous thrombolysis, and hemorrhagic transformation. ‡Controlled for age, sex, hypertension, active cancer, initial diastolic blood pressure, initial NIHSS score, stroke etiology, intravenous thrombolysis, and hemorrhagic transformation. ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05. B unstandardized coefficient, β standardized coefficient, mRS modified Rankin Scale, NIHSS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.