Proteomic and transcriptomic data integration reveals dissonance of targetable proteins. A, The table shows the three main stratification levels of protein and mRNA expression agreements, concordant (C); discordant I (DC.I); discordant II (DC.II) and the total number of hyper-abundant proteins in AdCa (n = 361) and in NE (n = 337) including percent distribution of total, respectively. B, Protein and mRNA log2 fold change evaluating only the hyper-abundant protein in NE (337 proteins) and AdCa (361 proteins) and simultaneously evaluating the direction of the mRNA expression of those proteins that are stratified as concordant (C; mRNA and protein are upregulated and hyper-abundant), discordant I (DC.I; mRNA is not altered significantly and protein is hyper-abundant) and discordant II (DC.II; mRNA is significantly downregulated whereas the protein is hyper-abundant). C–D, AdCa and NE hyper-abundant proteins iBAQ (VSN normalized and ROTS P value adjusted <0.05 significances) mRNA FPKM (ROTS normalized and P value adjusted <0.05) log2 fold change highlighting proteins of interest. E, GO protein class analysis of the NE and AdCa concordant and non-concordant plus discordant proteins. Box plots of protein log2 fold change VSN normalized and mRNA log2 fold change of n = 33 AdCa and n = 14 NE evaluating the overall expression in (F) HIC-2 and (G) COL3A1. Data are represented as mean ± SEM; ∗∗, P < 0.01; ∗∗∗, P < 0.001, two-tailed Welch-corrected.