Gram-negative bacteria can produce EVs through 2 mechanisms: membrane blebbing and explosive cell lysis. OMVs and OIMVs originate from membrane blebbing, while EOMVs and EOIMVs originate from explosive cell lysis. Gram-positive bacteria can produce CMVs through bubbling cell death. Additionally, fungi and parasites can produce EVs through 2 pathways: cell endocytosis and membrane budding. Exosomes are derived from cell endocytosis and ectosomes originate from membrane budding. EVs, extracellular vesicles; OMVs, outer membrane vesicles; OIMVs, outer-inner membrane vesicles; EOMVs, explosive outer membrane vesicles; EOIMVs, explosive outer-inner membrane vesicles; CMVs, cytoplasmic membrane vesicles. The figure was designed using Biorender.